The Bois are Back!

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God, Shuichi where have you been?!" The shorter one snuggled into the back of the emo one.

"Kokichi, it's been 2 hours..." Shuichi sighed.

"That's too long."

"What'cha doing here, Shuichi?" Rantaro balanced himself on his feet.

"I want everyone to gather in the gym," Shuichi lightly shook the purple gremlin off. "-If you guys aren't busy, that is!"

"We were just finishing up actually!" Korekiyo whipped around from the wall like a model. "What do you plan to do there?"

"I'll explain later, I have to get the others first."

"So... meet you there?" Rantaro asked.

"Sure!" Shuichi nodded and the four boys said goodbye to each other. Why four, you may ask?

"Where to next, Shushu?" Kokichi skipped beside his tall boyfriend.

"Well, I was thinking Maki and Kaito because they're hanging out in the dorms right now..."

"Ooooooh!!!" Kokichi's sudden noise made Shuichi jump. "What are they doing in there?"

"Shut up, flamer."

"Says the boy who wears make-up," There was a sudden awkward silence, but Kokichi quickly fixed that. "Not that I don't find it hot or anything..."

"That's kinda gay."

"We've been dating for a month and cuddling for three!"

This continued until the duo reached the dorms. The question remained: which dorm were they in. Before Shuichi could even knock on Maki's door, a squeaking sound made the pair turn around. Maki opened Kaito's door and gestured them over. Shuichi was impressed by Maki's ability to sense their presence, but then again she is an assassin. Kaito wasn't in there but Maki stood at the door with a cold expression.


"Where's Kaito?"

"Kaito made a terrible dad joke so I... 'accidentally' spilled my coffee on him."

"You drink coffee?" Shuichi was quite surprised.

"No wonder you're so salty in the morning!" Kokichi piped up. "You haven't drank your coffee yet!"

Maki stared at Kokichi. In a flash, the purple-haired boy was knocked out and Maki was standing as normal as ever in the door frame. Shuichi looked back and forth between the two.

"How did you-"

"He's my sidekick. I know how to handle him. Just let me know if you need tips," She winked and Shuichi just chuckled. "What are you here for anyway?"

"I was wondering if we could gather everyone in the gym. For something important."

"Sure. How many more people need to know?"

"Let's see... Kaede, Miu, Tsumugi, Kirumi, Kiibo... five more."

"We can get the Bi-ce Girls. You can focus your energy on Kirumi and Kiibo. I think they're in the kitchen."

"Thank you! And... Bi-ce Girls?"

"Like Spice Girls, and the gals are bi... you know... whatever, just go get those two!"

Maki shut the door. Shuichi turned around to leave but was interrupted by Maki opening the door and saying they'll take blacked-out Kokichi too. Good. At least with Maki, it'd look like she killed him instead of making it look like Shuichi had drugged him with his lab's drugs or even fucked the gremlin. Just the thought made him freak out. Slapping his cheeks to get rid of the negative thoughts, he marched over to the kitchen to find Kirumi and Kiibo working on lunch. Kiibo happened to notice Shuichi as he took what looked like pizza rolls out of the microwave.

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