Chapter Two

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At night Anita heard them discussing with Adorable. Daniella said "i told you Adorable, that chief is a nice man" "He is very nice, in one night three hundred thousand" said Adorable.

"Well get dressed in your best clothes and jewelries, there is a party at ikoyi, a birthday of a senior advocate of Nigeria and senators, governors, lawyers and other prominent people will be there, you would have to get sexually dressed, be fast" said Aminat

"Wow!" said Daniella and Adorable. They got dressed up and came to Anita and Aminat said "Ani baby, we are going to a party and we'll return tomorrow morning, please get up early and cook before we come, bye".

She bade them good bye and they left. She was astonished when she saw what they wore, Daniella was wearing the shortest pink gown ever, Aminat wore a crop top and a short bomba jean while Adorable wore a tight top with a short skirt.

After three month in school, a semester has finished, Anita and Adorable passed. Adorable is just a brainy type like Anita but she got herself mixed with bad girls. Aminat and Daniella had carry over in various subjects. They all packed their luggage to go home.

The next day, Mr Joshua the driver that transport Daniella and her friends to party came around to pick up Aminat and Daniella to their brothel were they stay during their holiday. He brought a customer. Mr john, that came for neither Aminat and Daniella nor Adorable. He sighted Anita and lusted for her. When he saw Daniella he greeted her  and he said "Daniella i want your friend"  which one, Adorable or Aminat? "said Daniella "No, the one washing plates behind the corridor" replied Mr John "oh Anita" said Daniella "Exactly" said Mr John.

Daniella took him to their room and they met Anita preparing to go back to her town.

Anita meet Mr John, he complimented on your beauty and wanted to see you, said Daniella "I love you as your friend said, just date me and your financial problem will become history"
Mr John bragged.

"Sir, thanks for the compliment, and admiration but for dating, i'm young for that bye" Anita said apologetically. She hugged Daniella and bade her good bye.

She saw Adorable and Aminat outside, she bade them good bye and left.

Anita Is Back To Anipa Kingdom

Anita arrived back to Anipa Kingdom safely, as soon as she passed the main market, people jubilates when they saw the best maiden of their kingdom. They praised her, some mother cuddled her, some women even jokingly approved of her being fat. Anita went straight to her fathers farm she met him uprooting his ripe yam for harvest. She assisted him to carry the few harvested yam placed in a basket and brand new cutlass wigwe Anita father said "my child, my love, Adanma, don't you miss me.

"If father's are made of stone, you are made of diamond, i miss you" said Anita.

On getting home inoma who was Anita childhood friend came to see her. Inoma hugged Anita.

"How is school, i hope you are still the reserved Anita we know?  said Inoma.

Anita said "in all circumstances, we have to appreciate God, with God helping i'm still the reserved Anita you know".Inoma and wigwe laughed.

Inoma brought a bench and said "father please sit" "thanks my daughter" replied wigwe as he sat on the chair.

Anita and inoma went inside the kitchen to cook. Anita cut vegetable from her father's garden and two yam from the her father brought from the farm. Anita cooked vegetable soup and deer meat while Inoma assisted her  in pounding the yam. When lunch was ready Wigwe ate separate while Anita and Inoma ate together.

Anita and Inoma chatted till night fall,they bade each other good bye as Inoma ran home to cook for her parent.

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