I sent her a glare, knowing exactly what she was doing. "Mhm. Since when do you go to bed at nine?" I asked suspiciously.

"Since there is wedding tomorrow and I would like to get all the sleep I can." She answered, winking at me when Harry wasn't looking.

When we were at the park earlier, Zayn, Nick, Louis, and Harry were all on the slides while Riley and I were on the swings. She took that opportunity to ask what was going on with Harry and I, to which I answered honestly by saying I didn't know. She didn't believe me, and now she is trying to get me alone with him.

This is why I hate telling her things that include my friendship with Harry.

"Goodnight Harry. We will pick you up around three tomorrow?" Riley asks him as she began walking out of the living room with Zayn.

"Sounds good." He confirmed with a smile, still comforting my dog with his gorgeously perfect and smooth hands, his rings suiting every finger perfectly.

No! Bad, Maddie!

God, I have issues.

I stood up to lock the door behind her as she left, closing the door with a tired and relieved sigh. I need a nice long shower. That would be one less thing I have to worry about right now.

"I'm gonna go shower. Knock on my door if you need anything." I tell Harry as I reach the bottom of the stairs, ready to go up.

"Okay. Goodnight, love."

He smiled softly at me, making my heart want to jump out of my chest and strangle my throat. I returned the same smile before casually hurrying to my room and closing the door gently.

Pushing myself off of the door, I walk over to my closet to grab a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, setting them on the bed with a sigh. I sit down on the edge of the bed, rubbing my head when I felt an annoying throb behind my eyes.

When there was a knock on my bedroom door, I look at it in annoyance. "Come in."

Suddenly my headache and annoyance went away when I saw the same piercing green eyes that I used to love peaking through the door with his perfect smile.

"Hey. Sorry to bother you." He apologized, opening the door a little wider.

"You're not bothering me. What's up?"

"I, uh, just wanted to let you know I'm gonna go for a walk. You're welcome to come with if you want." He offered, clearing back like he thought I'd say no.

Even though I have been walking a lot today, a walk sounded really nice. Plus Harry didn't know his way around here so I didn't want him alone in case he got lost or something.

"What the hell. I'm not doing anything else." I shrugged, standing up from my bed. My shower can wait till after I get back.

Harry seemed almost relieved at my response and his smile grew. He stepped aside as I left my room and we walked down the stairs together.

The lights were all off and the only thing lighting up the living area was the twelve-foot tall Christmas tree next to the fire place. After we had put on our boots, Harry opened the door for me and we walked out, letting me lock the door behind him.

Just Friends || h.s. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang