Hurt (part 2)

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Your eyes were shut as you felt the hand on your head. "Will she be alright?" you heard at a fair distance away from you, the voice belonging to Aunty Xara making your father the one who sat by you. You remained silent as your father spoke, "She'll be fine. Jesse's reassembling the order of the stone to go after the people who did this to her." He said coldly, he could understand if not everyone could forgive what he's done, but they had no right to take it out on you, you were only a small child. "I think it's best she doesn't go outside until she's healed." he gave a heavy sigh. This went on for a while until your father and Aunty Xara returned to the living room. Your windows were locked so the wind couldn't come in, you were left in you room with your Uncle Fred's spirit still remaining. "Are you okay?" he asked. You nodded your head carefully, your body was still in pain. Your Uncle Fred looked at you with worry in his eyes. You didn't have the strength to say anything, your head began to hurt again so you held the back of it. "You get some rest, I'll watch over you." Fred said, you nodded in response and closed your eyes once more, but due to your condition, cried slightly, hoping that you would wake up the next day.


The next morning the sun hit your face through your window, the light waking you gently. You rubbed the specs of exhaustion out of your eyes as they fluttered open. You didn't waste time getting up, but when you did try, it began to hurt. Your head ached again and your back hurt. you began rubbing the sore parts of you and groaned,, feeling the pressuring pain come from your limbs, at least it wasn't as painful as the night before. You tried to get out of bed and landed flimsily on your feet. You had no idea where you were going but you didn't feel like lying down on your bed anymore. You walked downstairs to see your father sitting in the kitchen, face in his hands, held up by his shoulders on the counter. You walked towards him and tugged his shirt. "Dad..." your small voice mustered up the courage and energy to say. Your father tilted his head to your direction, noticing you stand there. One arm fell back to the counter and the other arm rubbed the exhaustion out of his eyes. "(Y/N), I...I didn't hear you get up" his voice said softly. His eyes seemed so tired, but you didn't know how heavy they felt from the tears. "You okay?" he asked. You just nodded your head in response. "I'm really sorry sweetie, I didn't know this would happen." "It's not your fault, people can be worse than admins even without powers." you said coldly. Your father widened his eyes at your statement, not expecting such things to be said by you. You understood that he wasn't a good person towards the people of BeaconTown but that was low even you. He got up and walked towards you, kneeling down to your height and giving your head a gentle rub. "Let's not discuss what happened, alright?" he asked. "You've been through too much already now, you need to recover from this mess first." A small sigh of the word "okay" passed through your lips, as you walked to your father and rested your head on his shoulder, allowing him to hug you. Honestly you were still exhausted.


Down your throat it went, the bitter tasting potion that was supposed to heal you. The potion of healing was the most disgusting medicine you've ever tasted but you hated the pain more. As the last bit of the terrible liquid was gulped down, you scrunched up a bitter face and handed the bottle back to Radar. He came over to your house to give you a healing potion, saying he wanted to help. He always did his best to look out for you, now that you two were friends. "C'mon (Y/N), is it really that bad?" he asked, looking at you. You did everything you could to avoid vomiting on the couch where you sat. "Ugh, it's so gross." you wined. The taste was just awful, so you reached for a bottle of water to wash the taste out. It helped a bit but some of the taste was still there. "But look, you're much better now."  Radar told you. It was true, your bruises had vanished and the cut on your arm was gone. You saw this clearly as you had taken your bandage off not 2 minute ago. "And with that...I think we should give her some space." your father stated, walking towards you too. "She needs a break." On the bright side, at least you weren't as miserable as you were this morning.

A/N- And this author has run out of bye for now...I guess

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