Outside (Teenage AU) (Oneshot)

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A/N So apparently BluGirl Awesome, has a Wattpad, and I followed her. IDK If she is going to judge me for writing this but I will be prepared for whatever she says when she finds out that I like MCSM and that I actually wrote this reader insert story. I ain't afraid, it might be super awkward but IDC. I will be prepared for whatever happens. Why do I worry about her? Because she's an old friend of mine and I don't think she knows about this story yet.

Romeo, or more commonly known as The Admin, was just returning from business he had to deal with at the Sunshine Institute. His former allie, Xara, or dare I say it Prisoner X, had been escaping her cell for the ninth time. He decided to give the warden a regular warning (and by that I mean he put the warden's feet to the fire) to ensure that it doesn't happen again. He had three things to deal with, handling the institute, preparing challenges for his future team mate Jesse and raising his teenage daughter...you (Y/N). You loved your father but one day he accidentally let you out of the icey palace of doom and into the world when you were 38 (yeah you still have that age and time problem) and you were so curious you wanted to explore the outside world. The older you became the more curious you grew, you usually snuck out with your pet red slime-cat hybrid "Jellie" as backup so you weren't alone. It normally made your father angry when you snuck out but you really couldn't care, you wanted to be outside. You were getting better at sneaking out, you father didn't stop getting upset when you snuck out, but it started to annoy him him. You were loyal but not going outside was the one order you normally ignored. He was very worried about you, you were going to work alongside him when you were 180 but if you keep sneaking out then it could impact your view on the world, it could affect how you took charge of the world as an Admin. There was also another reason but you never knew, it was personal.

Here's an Image of Jellie

Anyway he was returning to where you were to talk to you

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Anyway he was returning to where you were to talk to you. You were 155 now and it would only be 25 years until you were old enough, so he decided to give you a chat as well as let you observe how things will be done when you become his teammate. "(Y/N), I'm back!" He called. He had received no answer from you. He walked to the kitchen where you normally were. You weren't there. He went to the living room where you also normally were, but you weren't there either. "Sweetheart, it's me!" He called. He finally went to your room. You were still nowhere to be found. "(Y/N)?!" He called worried. He checked the entire building, calling your name, but couldn't find you. Then he realized, there was only one other place you would be if you weren't in the house.

"Yahoooo." You screamed. You had just jumped off a cliff with a waterfall and were about to make a big splash. You has successfully slipped out of your house while your father was gone and now you were outside and free. You were enjoying your time out. No one knew about the Admin, but you still had to hide yourself, though you couldn't hide from your father, you still had your human form which you currently had active. If anyone saw you they would just think you're a normal human being. As for Jellie, you also disguised him as a maine coon cat so that he could still come with you. You knew he didn't like it, he was still bouncy but he preferred his original slimey jiggly body more than his fluffy fleshy one. With your eyes closed, you dived into the water, it was now that you were a teenager, you could control if temperature affected you and you let the temperature of the water affect you. You could feel the warmth of the splash though your face slowly cool down. The cooler water reaching your skin (you're wearing a swimsuit btw) tingled you. Your (H/C) locks of hair floated in water. You had never felt so alive. Your powers allowed you to see in the dark, when you opened up your (E/C) eyes you were met with wonders. All the little schools fish swam around you. There were salmon, blue fish and pufferfish, but your favorite was the school of clownfish, you loved their goofy orange color and white stripes. As for the sand and ground, they were like underwater hills. You were so fascinated. You had no idea you would be met with such wonders, you decided that when you become older, you would make a little private house for yourself, so you could go there anytime you wanted and come back to see the fishes. You came up from the water and the warm sunshine hit your face, just after the cool air. Your hair became a little heavy but you couldn't care. You lied down and floated for a good 2 minutes...until you heard a cat scream from behind you, reclined your position and turned around, a chest came floating towards you. You amusingly shook your head with a goofy smile knowing just who was in that chest. You swam over to it and teleported it with you to the shore where you open the chest and Jellie popped out with a meow. "You little killjoy." You told him. You dried yourself off and using your powers, changed into a more casual outfit. A (F/C) hoodie Jacket with pockets, a white shirt, grey jeans and brown boots. You took Jellie out of the chest. The two of you saw a mountain with snow on top and you went to it. Using your powers you protected yourself from the cold. The snow was so much fun, you played in it and made a snow fort. You even saw polar bears.

"This is so much fun, I'm glad we were out here, right Jellie?" You asked your cat. He gave you a low meow. "You wanna go home do you?" He meowed much lighter this time, seeming to agreeing with your suggestion. "Oh don't be such a sour puss Jellie, why would you want to go home?" you asked him. He then jumped in front of you and meowed a lot of things, you didn't even understand him. "You know I can't understand you when you do that right?" You said with your hands on your hips. Jellie sat down in frustration. "Well I don't know about you buddy but I am still gonna be here for quite some time. Besides, nothing's holding me back." You said all too soon. "Besides the fact you would be grounded for it?" You heard behind you. Startled, you turned around to find the one person you weren't expecting. "Dad!" You screamed. "Uh...I was...uh...hehehe...and then I uh..." "Ah, ah, ah." your father cut you off, "How long have you been out here?" he asked. You were bit confused at his question but you answered. "Uh, about an hour or two, I guess." You told him. "Really? Because I have been looking for FIVE hours and that's more than long enough, come on, we're going home." He said. "But dad..." you started again but he interrupted you once again. "No buts young lady, now change back and come on." He demanded as he walked off. "And be thankful we're going to walk for a couple of minutes." You groaned. Your dad was amore of a killjoy than Jellie, who was laughing at you and meowing at the same time. You changed into your Admin form and changed Jellie back to his original red slimy self, which he was glad for. You picked him up and followed your dad.

When you caught up with your father he started scowling you out. "(Y/N) why must you disobey me everytime I tell you not to come out here. I've literally told you one hundred times, never to go outside, stay inside at all times, for pity's sake I was worried when I couldn't find you and I..." you weren't listening to him. Instead you were mouthing his words and waving your hands around in a scowling manner, practically making fun of him. He then noticed your actions. He hit you on the back of your shoulder. That actually hurt. "Ow." "Listen to me, madam. That's it we're out of here." he said clapping his hands and teleporting you three back home. When you got home you were in the kitchen so you crafted Jellie some food. Afterwards you and your dad had a small argument. "So when will I be allowed to go outside?" You asked. "When you're an adult." he says. "Seriously dad, I know I'm going to become an Admin when I grow up but why can't you let me see the outside world, why do you have to keep me in here, are you scared of something I'm going to do or what?" That made your dad's eyes widen. then he looked away in thought. This got your attention. "Dad, are you okay?" You asked. "Fine." he said before walking off. You were a bit worried. You went into your room and changed into your pajamas, black with red polkadots.

You were asleep, well you were trying to sleep anyway. Two things kept you awake. One was the wonders of the world that you had learned. You already planned your little place out. It had blue glazed terracotta on the floor and the walls were dark prismarine. There would be sea lanterns for light, you also wanted to add flowers and some banners for decoration. The other thing that kept you awake was your dad, his reaction to your last question was indescribable, you wondered what was wrong. Just then he came into your room. He didn't say anything at first but you know he was there. He sat on your bed and cleared his throat before giving you a small speach. "Listen, (Y/N), about what happened...I AM scared alright. I just don't want to loose you, I know I'm going to have to let you go soon but, I still want to hold onto you, when you were created you were just so small. I always enjoyed that happy little voice of yours. But then you started to grow out of my reach. I couldn't stop you from leaving. I'm not trying to keep you in, i'm just scared to let you go. That's what this is about, not you not being ready for the outside world. I don't know if I'm even ready to let you go." It was hard for a father to admit his fears, but you needed to know the other reason. After that speach, you sat up and huged your dad. "Dad, no matter what happens, no matter how much I change, I'll always be your little girl." You reasured him. "I love you dad." "I love you too sweatheart." He said as he turned around and hugged you back. He gently kissed your forehead and the two of you parted from your hug. "Goodnight (Y/N)." He said. "Goodnight dad." You replied. He walked out of the room. The two of you exchanged glances and smiles before he left. You rested your head on your pillow. Finally getting comfortable, you closed your eyes and began to fall asleep. You were glad to be able to patch things up with your dad. You thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you followed in your fathers footsteps. Maybe tomorrow you could spend some father and daughter time with each other. You haven't done that in a long time. Eventually you had fallen into deep slumber.

MCSM Daddy's little trouble maker (Father! Romeo x Daughter! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now