Yugioh Protagonists x Child! Reader part 1

Start from the beginning

"I should have done this earlier" Y/n stood frozen as she watched her mother walk away... her own mother abandoned her. Tears began to form in her eyes. After her mother vanished, Y/n left the alley as she looked and walked around.

~Minutes later~

She walked everywhere but was shivering from the cold as she holds her teddy bear very tightly. She walked and walked until she saw the playground.

She walked to the playground, sit under the slide and started to cry. She wondered why her mother abandoned her? She continued to cried not aware someone heard her cries until she heard a male's voice, "Are you okay?" Y/n lift her head up to see who it was and saw a young man in front of her.

 She wondered why her mother abandoned her? She continued to cried not aware someone heard her cries until she heard a male's voice, "Are you okay?" Y/n lift her head up to see who it was and saw a young man in front of her

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His hair color resemble the color of a tomato and he looked worried about her. Y/n quietly respond, "No..." "Are you lost? Do you know where your mom is?" He asked but Y/n remain silent when he asked her that question as she remembers the words her 'mother' said to her...

           'I don't need you anymore...'

"She doesn't... need me anymore..." The young man stood shocked when Y/n repeated them but also noticed how she's shivering so he took off his jacket and wrapped it around her little body. "Do you have any other relatives?" He asked and Y/n moves her head as a way to say 'no'. He thought for a moment until he offered his hand to her, "Come with me... you can stay at our place for the night" He said.

Y/n hesitate at first since she's not supposed to go with strangers but he seemed like a nice guy. She grabbed his hand with her tiny hand as he helped her up. "By the way, I'm Yuya Sakaki. What's your name, little one?" He asked as she responded back, "Y/n..." "That's a cute name, Y/n" He said with a smile as they walked to the house. After minutes of walking, they arrived as Yuya announced, "Well, here we are!" When Y/n looked up, she was amazed.

 After minutes of walking, they arrived as Yuya announced, "Well, here we are!" When Y/n looked up, she was amazed

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"My friends and I live here so that's why it's big. Don't worry, my friends are nice, trust me" Yuya said with a smile as they entered the house until Y/n saw two boys on the wall and the other standing in front of them with a black marker.

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