"Oh my God Kota, this is amazing. Where did you learn how to make this?" Paul compliments with his mouth full of food, everyone nodding in agreement.

I shrug, hearing Jake's bike out front, "Something I made years ago. Come on Jake's outside."

We all file out of the front door, the boys shoving the last of their meal down their throats, to see Bella out here with him. Bella tenses up when she sees us. Embry looks at my cousin then to me, "Look who's back."

Quil looks at Bella giving her a half nod trying to act all cool, "Whatup, Bella?"

She looks at him, shocked to see him here, "Quil, you too?"

Oh right she wasn't here when he joined the Pack, why? That's right because her precious bloodsuckers were back in town and one wanted to kill himself so we became afterthoughts to her. Quil just laughed, "Yep. Finally made the pack. I'm glad you're here, Bella. Maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue."

I snort knowing all too well what they were referring to. "I wish Bella would call," Paul and I taunt together, looking at each other in shock as we laugh at our synchronization.

Jared pushes Jake lightly with his empty hand, the other full of bacon, "I wish Bella wouldn't call."

Embry stole a piece from Jared, laughing, "Maybe I should call Bella."

Quil was giggling like a schoolgirl, "Maybe I should call Bella and hang up."

"Alright, you can shut up now," Jake warns embarrassed by us exposing his thoughts of her.

I shake my head no and as I go to continue some more of his monologue aloud to Bella, he grabs me by the waist and squeezes me giving me a weird hug. Bella laughs with the guys as I squeal. Leah barges out of the front door looking pissed. Leah is a beautiful girl but nowadays she has a permanent scowl etched onto her face. When she sees my cousin, her scowl deepens because she hates her on principle.

Bella looks at her with curiosity glimmering in her eyes so Jake introduces her, "Bella, this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter."

At the mention of Harry, Bella shrinks in size, "Hey. I'm really sorry about your father."

Leah looks at me, her hatred for Bella growing with Bella's sympathy and I get it because I too hated everyone who just apologized mindlessly after Mom, then back to Bella, "If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave."

I snort barely containing my laughter, the boys on the other hand either laugh or give Leah a pointed look. Bella's taken aback, Jacob shoots Leah an angry look. Sam and his Imprint come out of the house to join us and Leah quickly makes her was to the tree line. "Fun, isn't she?" Jacob jokes as Emily gives Bella a hug.

"Bella... Hi. Hey. I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again."

"Yeah, same here," Bella mumbles in Emily's shoulder.

"Sam, we're good?" Jacob asks about last night and how we're setting our perimeters now.

The Alpha nods to his Beta, "We're good. She won't be getting through our line anytime soon."

The rest of the Pack goes to meet Leah at the tree line to go on Patrol except for Paul and I. Sam turns to Emily to say goodbye, looks deep into her eyes, gently kisses her. I look away and go into the house.

After Bella and Jake left to go to his house and the Pack went out on Patrol, it was just Paul and I at the house. Remembering that there was an old Fender Strat in the corner of the attic, I left Paul downstairs by himself to keep myself from being bored out of my mind. I pull out the sheet music from my backpack and begin strumming some chords then followed by heavy footsteps up the stairs leading into the Attic.

"You weren't kidding when you said you could play," he says laughing.

I put down the guitar, turn to face him seeing the admiration and fascination in his eyes. Sometimes I wonder why he Imprinted on me or more likely why the Hell did the Ancestors choose me as his Imprint. "And what of it? It's not like you can say anything this was our secret remember," I prompt, going back downstairs to put away the food.

"Why I can't compliment you? You're talented, you should play more. People would love to hear you play," he says following me.

"Or they'll hate me and throw things at me," I joke putting what's left of the monkey bread into a tupperware container. We continued joking and getting to know each other like this until I decided I needed to see Charlie. 

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