𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞

Start from the beginning

"You cannot keep running forever, Sibylla." Madeleine said.

"Yes, I can." I said as I quickly walked out of the room.

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Princess Sibylla became the patron of Rosa Bandet 2018 campaign

Princess Sibylla of Sweden attended a meeting with representatives of Swedish Cancer Society (Cancerfonden) at Stockholm Royal Palace.

The meeting was about 2018 Rosa Bandet Campaign. Princess Sibylla became the official patron of Pink Ribbon 2018 (Rosa Bandet 2018) Campaign of Swedish Cancer Association.

The Pink Ribbon 2018 campaign will continue during October and it aims to struggle with breast cancer and raise awareness of the public about that disease by financing cancer researches.

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Adonis P.O.V

"Is she still hiding from me?" Adonis asked with chuckle as Madeleine went outside to join Carl Philip and him.

"Yes, literally as soon as she saw you walk by, she took off running. Congratulations, Adonis, you have her heart." Madeleine answered as she gave him a hug.

"Thank you, I think." Adonis said.

"Trust me, Adonis, Sib, would not be acting like this if she did not have feelings for you." Carl Philip said.

"Adonis!" Victoria exclaimed, walking up to us.

"Hello, Victoria." Adonis said as he gave her a hug.

"Oh, Adonis, is she still hiding from you?" Victoria asked.

"You know she is." Adonis answered.

"I really wish she would see that you are not Harold and you actually care for her and are not playing with her feelings." Victoria said.

"Trust me, we all wish she would open her heart to Adonis and finally be happy." Madeleine said.

"As long as you all know that's all I want is to make her happy." Adonis said.

~ • ~ • ~
October 17, 2019

Princess Sibylla visited Swedish Plastic Recycling

Today, on October 17, 2019, Princess Sibylla visited Swedish Plastic Recycling, which is Europe's largest sorting plant for plastic packaging located in Motala.

With fully automated technology, the plant sorts out different types of plastic to ensure that as much as possible can be recycled and used for new plastic products.

During the visit, the Princess was given a tour of the plant and saw an exhibition showing the way from used plastic packaging to new plastic product.

~ • ~ • ~

"Of course, they will follow you to California, Meghan." I said on the phone with Meghan.

"I don't know what to do." Meghan said.

"Why don't you stay at my house in La Brea Terrace, it's gated and is off La Brea north of Franklin in the Hollywood Hills. Harry, Archie, Doria and you will have privacy since it's like maybe about a dozen houses there and they will not think to look for you guys there." I said.

"Really? You would let us spend Thanksgiving and Christmas at your place?" Meghan asked.

"Of course, I would especially to keep my little Godson safe." I answered.

"Thank you so much, Sib." Meghan said.

"You're welcome, now the main house has nine bedrooms with nine and half bathrooms but I have a guest house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms, so if you bring your protection officers there will be enough space for everyone." I said.

"Okay, I'll tell Harry then we'll have to tell the Queen and Charles then we should be set to fly out to California." Meghan said.

"Good and make sure you have Doria come to the house two days before you guys leave so you guys can throw off the media." I said.

"Good idea." Meghan said.

"I know." I said.

"Once again, thank you for letting us use your home for the holidays, Sibylla." Meghan said.

"No problem, I may fly out and join you guys for Thanksgiving." I said.

"That would be lovely." Meghan said.

"So, Adonis is here." I said.

"Really? Are you guys finally getting back together?" She asked.

"No." I answered.

"Sib, you love that man and he loves you. What's the problem?" She asked.

"Perhaps, I'm a commitment-phobe." I answered.

"Really?" Meghan asked.

"Yes, really. I mean you would have it to if you got left at the altar on National television for the world to see then not even a year later, he marries your childhood best friend who attended your wedding." I replied.

"You're really letting Harold have a hold over you after all these years, Sib, this is not healthy. You're letting him stop you from having your happily ever after." Meghan said.

"I do not believe in happily ever afters." I said.

"Sib!" Meghan exclaimed.

"I don't think there is any such thing as happily ever after." I said.

"Sib, you have to believe that there's someone out there that will love and cherish for the rest of your life. That man could be Adonis, clearly he wants to be that man and you're letting Harold, who has moved on have the power to stop you from being happy." Meghan said.

"Oh Gosh, you sound just like my sisters." I said.

"Because it's true, never let a man have that kind of power over you, Sibylla. You need to be happy. I think you can be happy with Adonis." Meghan said.

"I don't like him." I said.

"You're right...You love him." Meghan said.

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