Chapter Eight

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The cold wind was hitting my face, drying my tears a little. How could I be so stupid! Mother always taught me not to let men get in my head, taught me to be a strong woman. And never be manhandled...Valar Morghulis...that's what mother would say.

Me and Drogon have been flying for hours, if not a day. I would be lying if I say that I know where am I, looking down I only saw trees and around us, there is no sight of civilization. A sigh fell from my lips, I know we should stop and let Drogon rest but I'm afraid that any threat could go upon us when we were resting.

My thoughts were interrupted by a roar that Drogon let go, manifesting his tiredness "I know, my sweet friend...Let's rest for a bit." I look down and saw a small clearing, I order him to land there for a bit, so he could rest. Climbing off from his back, I pet his head "Stay here and rest. I will go see if there is any river nearby." with that, I walk into the dense forest, looking for some water to drink.

After a while, I found a small river, with clear water. I sigh in relief and sat on my knees by the river bank. I begin drinking some water and when I was satisfied, I begin washing my hands and face. As I was cleaning my dry tears, I notice my reflection on the clear water. I look weak and tired, there were dark circles under my violet eyes, my brown skin was paler and my long silver hair was a mess from flying. Closing my eyes, my thoughts begin to drift back to the emotionless, cold face of Thranduil. The evil smirk that it formed on his face when he told me that I was a mere pretty thing to pass time...just to be used as a doll and throw away when he was finished playing it. Thorin was right. I shouldn't trust elves...

I look to the sky, seeing dark clouds begin forming, ready to let go of a heavy rain. Standing up, I begin walking in the direction where I came from. Suddenly, a sound of heavy feet's hitting the ground grab my attention. I look at the direction where the noise came from and start to follow it, passing through some bushes and trees. I stop where the ground ended, that lead me to a huge cliff, I look down and a small gasp escapes from my mouth. Down below, a huge number of orcs marched, full of armor and all sorts of weapons, ready to attack. I look at the direction that they were marching for and my eyes widened. They are going to Erebor! Turning back, I run to where Drogon was, climbing to his back "Come on, Drogon! Those stubborn dwarfs and snobby elves need our help!" with that he jumps into the air, flapping his wings, flying us towards Erebor. I hope that I will arrive on time.


(Thranduil P.O.V)

How did I get into this mess? Not only that stubborn dwarf king didn't accept our deal, now his cousin came with his army. I let out a sigh and order my elk to move in front of my army, I yell the order to shoot, letting go a rain of arrows on the dwarf's army but two huge propellers like, clean all the arrows on the air and land on my army. Damn! Those dwarfs have more defense mechanisms than us, I order the first front the ready they shield as I see the dwarf's cavalry coming closer. I stay back, seeing my army killing those filthy dwarfs. I look to Bard, who was trying to calm down his people, "Stay put! Let my army finish them." I say firmly, he only nods and continues calming his people along with Mithrandir and the halfling.

Suddenly the ground begins shaking, I look to Mithrandir "They have arrived!" he said with a firm voice. Oh no! There was a huge explosion as the giant's worms jump from the ground, letting the orc army come out. Dain begins shouting for his army to ready and form a wall with their shields.

My army stays still, ready for my orders. Mithrandir runs to me "King Thranduil! This is madness! You need to do something!" he yells to me. My heartbeat begins to beat faster, as everything around me goes slow motion. What have I done? I led my people into a battle that it didn't concern us! Everything I do, only bring death and pain.

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