It didn't take long for the angry god to catch up to her and evidently, he was still upset.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Can you please just take me home? I don't feel good and I just wanna relax."

"Do you trust me?" He asked out of the blue.

"I hardly even know you."

"That wasn't a no."


"Come with me. It's just a quick walk not far from here."

He then extended a hand to her, quietly awaiting her answer.

And if he were any other person, perhaps she would have said no. Maybe she would have gently turned him down and settled for a quiet night in bed. But it felt all too right to take his hand and follow him wherever.

As they started their stroll, she had finally noticed just how fast the night had snuck upon them. It was nights like these where there wasn't a star in the sky and the breeze was gentle, but cold that felt like paradise to Theo. And though a little rain would have made it truly spectacular, the present company was enough.

"Is this the part where you take me somewhere deserted to kill me?"

"Too soon and risky. I'm the last known person to be seen with you. I'd at least wait until after the article and we've amicably parted ways."

"Damn. You put way too much thought into this. You hate me that much?"

She then remembered her hand was still holding his and swiftly dropped it like it was on fire.

"I don't hate you. I just don't understand you."

"Likewise, my friend. But you've never tried to. And you make it entirely too difficult for me to crack your shell."

"Would you like me to change that?"

"I wouldn't want you to change for anything. But it wouldn't kill you to at least pretend you like me. Don't think I haven't noticed your not-so-secret smiles and laughs. Just admit it; we're friends."

"We shall see." He answered with yet another subtle smile.

Finally, after an all too short walk, she noticed that they'd arrived at such an ominous edge of the sea.

"Okay, Mister Ominous. Now, why are we on the edge of a cliff? You're not gonna push me, are you?"

"Not today, no. You can relax in my presence for once."

"It's kinda hard to relax with the knowledge that someone is out to kill me."

"Which brings me to why I brought you out here."

"And that is?"

"Take a seat. I wanted to show you something."

And slowly but surely she gently took a seat on the cliffside and lightly swung her feet over the edge. He quickly followed suit and directed her attention to the rampant waves crashing just below their feet.

"The violent water is...nice"

"Just watch. Pay attention to the water."

Again she fixed her eyes on the erratic waves that crashed all too hard against the sharp side of the ragged cliff. While she was seemingly entranced by the madness of it all, she missed the focused god lift a hand towards the water and released a translucent rippling effect that easily calmed the waves.

As she watched it slow to a steady pace she felt her own heartbeat slow to match the serenity of it all.

"That's quite a trick. You show all the lucky ladies this?"

"No. Whenever I get too overwhelmed and stuck in my head, this is where I come to calm the waters and it helps soothe me as well. This area is privately owned by me for the sole purpose of helping ensure that I don't snap and cause a major storm."

"That sounds like you. Does it always help?"

"Almost always. Wanna see another trick?"

"Of course."

"Can I see your hand?"

She all but shoved her hand into his and awaited yet another fascinating show that she doubted would fail her.

"You know how the body is made of over seventy percent of water? Which is also an element I can control?"


"Sometimes when I need extra reinforcements I simply slow the blood flow and it can leave me in a bit of a tranquil state. I will warn you that it can feel like you're not sober. You'll feel like the world is slowing around you when in reality your body is simply trying to get accustomed to the internal change."

"Bring it on, geek."

With her hand snug in his, she stilled when she felt a subtle vibration that nearly made her shiver upon the first contact. But the tension was short-lived as she began to feel the calming effects of his powers. And when she felt like the world was coming to a stop she felt her eyes somehow trail up to find that the god was quietly watching her already.

Normally she would avoid all kinds of awkward eye contact yet as the air around her felt like the effects of a psychedelic drug, his piercing eyes were like an antidote that kept her tethered to reality.

"You have magical eyes." She blurted aloud.

"Why did I say that? It's true, but you're not supposed to know that. You also shouldn't know that I think you-"

"Alright, I think that's enough for now." He thankfully interrupted her not-so-sober thoughts.

"Thank you. For the tricks and the save. You have no idea how much I needed all that."

"No problem. I figured you could use a break."

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Theo softly asked.

Her voice was as gentle as the subtle wind and her voice was so uncharacteristically small that he almost missed the question. And while she did everything to ensure that she wouldn't cry she watched him shift uncomfortably before resting a comforting arm over her shoulder.

She then leaned into the much-needed embrace and steadily watched the steady waves below them.

"Are you afraid?"


"Don't be. I will do whatever I can to make sure you're safe."

"Why?" She then asked.

Much to her suprise the god himself didn't have a clear answer to the question. All that he knew was that he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if had faced yet another shattering loss.






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