52. Hallucination

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Well last chapter was a cute little chapter.
I wrote this chapter listening to the song
"Can we kiss forever" by Kina ftAdriana Proenza so if u want the full experience listen to that song while reading.

Also I'm using the song as in a mother and daughter relationship not a relationship because I know the title of the song might throw y'all off.
Next day

The appointment was rescheduled because the ob/gyn I see wasn't available so me and Zak decided to go to my moms grave and pay a visit.

We had stopped by the store and picked up flowers and come of my moms favorite things.

We got in the car after buying the things and stopped for a second.

"You alright?" Zak asked.
"Yeah I'm ok"I said taking a deep breath as he grabbed my hand.

"She would've been proud" he said kissing my hand.

I gave off a light smile.

"I just wish she was still here" I said.

"It'll be ok" he said.

I gave him a smile and he started to drive.

Time skip

We got to the cemetery that the card said the location my mom was buried.

(Idk how this stuff really works i haven visited someone's grave in forever since I was little)

They never had a funeral for her which hurt me.

Me and Zak walked around to find the grave.
I guess he had saw how down I saw so he grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead.

He stopped me in my tracks and hugged me tightly.
I hugged him back and silently cried into his chest.

He pulled away.

"It's ok" he said.

"I know, I just.... I wanted her to see me when I walk down the isle, not when I walk to her grave" I said.

He sat in silence and hugged me.

I pulled away.

"Let's go find her" I said grabbing his hand and silently wiping my tears.

I had found the grave.

Me and Zak places the flowers on her grave.

The graves were spaced out quiet a bit so we decided to sit down at her grave.

"Hi mom" I said placing my hand on the tombstone.

"I love you" I said as I started to tear up.

Zak silently watched me.

"I'm sad you won't get to met your grandchildren or see me walk down the isle to marry the love of my life, I'm sorry I couldn't be there to save you" I said tears flooding out of my tears.

"I realize I'm not the one who needed saving, you were, you supported me and I appreciate that, even if it meant you'd die for me to be happy, literally" I smiled at the joke.

"You only met him that one time before when you would joke about us dating when I would play with him online, I guess you were right" I said grabbing Zaks hand.

"Here he is in person.... perfect as ever" I said.

I noticed I was being more bold than usual, I'm too shy to describe Zak like this in person but I guess the situation made me realize you're not promised tomorrow, any day can be the last.

"I hope you'll be at the wedding tomorrow" Zak said holding my hand as I noticed he was now talking to my mom.

"I hope you give us your blessing" he added smiling.

We sat for a while just admiring the grave and talking about stuff we would normally talk about.

We were laughing, talking, crying a little bit, it felt safe, like the safety you feel when you're mom is there protecting you.

"I hope you'll watch over the twins" I said looking at the tombstone as if she was sitting right there.

"They'll be chaotic.... I can tell" I said looking at Zak.

"Hey hey I'll be a good dad and be 100% responsible" he said.

"Mhm" I smiled.

"Alright mom I think we should get going now I'll see you soon tomorrow at the wedding, although I wish you'd be there in person at least you're there spiritually." I said getting up.

"I'll see you soon too" Zak said getting up.

"Thank you... really for supporting our family, I wish you were here, I could really use some of your personal advice on how to care for y/n" Zak said.

"HEY!" I said shoving him playfully.

"I'm just joking" he said laughing.

"I know dork" I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Bye mom I love you" I said to the tomb.

"Bye, thank you, I'll take care of y/n" Zak said.

We walked towards the car hand in hand.

It was sunny and warm with the right amount of clouds in the sky.

The scenery was beautiful.

I turned around and say my moms tomb one last time.

I didn't notice but there was a lady standing on it and it looked like she was picking up the flowers.

I looked in front of me and realized and looked back quickly towards the lady who was still there.

We weren't that far so I knew she was standing on the grave.

She picked up the flowers we had put.

"HEY!!" I yelled as Zak stopped.

"What's going on?" he asked.

I looked at him and then looked back at the tomb where no one was in sight.

My heart dropped and chills went up my spine.

"There was a girl" I said.

"What do you mean?" He said.

"There was a lady picking up the flowers we put in the grave!" I said.

He looked at me.

"Stay here" I said.

I ran to where the tomb was and saw the flowers and everything was still there.

"What the he-" I said.

Everything was there and no sight of the lady was found.

It made chills run through my body.

"Let's go" I said to Zak as I felt a bad gut feeling.

"You saw a lady picking up the flowers?" He questioned.

"Yes I swear" I said worried.

"Maybe you just are .....seeing things?" He said.

'Really b*tch?' I thought to myself.

"Yea you're right maybe I just need water or something" I said calmed down.

I chugged down a bottle of water that he handed me.

"Ok don't drown jeez" Zak said.

"Sorry" I said closing the bottle.

I shook it off and we drove back to the house.

I could help but think about the entire incident.

'She was real' I thought to myself.

'That wasn't a hallucination you saw he there and you felt her glare' I thought to myself again.

'You heard the crinkle when she licked up the bouquet of flowers.' I thought again.

That was real, not some hallucination.

Word count: 1134

Weew sorry for not posting this chapter took like 3 days for some reason that I get distracted too easily

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