32. Underwater

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I'm slowly making friends on this and I like it.


Next day

I woke up to Notice Zak wasn't by my side and I lifted the blanket to realize he was cuddled with my belly.
I smiled and laughed.
I started to rub Zaks back.

"Wake up" I said softly.
He didn't wake up.
"Well there's no other option" I said grabbing my phone.
I went on YouTube and searched up.
'It's a hard knock life in Minecraft'
I then connected it to a speaker that was built into this room.

"Speaker connected" I said pressing play on the video.

"AHHHH ITS A HARD KNOCK LIFE FOR AHHHHH" played on the speaker.

"That's one way to wake up" Zak said in a raspy voice as I paused the video.

"Well you didnt wake up the first time" I said removing the blanket so I could see him.

"I was spending quality time with our child" he laid his head on my stomach.

I laughed.

"THE BABY KICKED" he said excited.
"No I laughed" I laughed at his comment.
"No the bebe kicked" he said.
"No it-"
"Ok fine" I sighed laughing.
"See it did t again" he said making my IQ drop -10,000.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked.
"I don't know yet" I said.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I don't really care I just want them to be healthy" he said kissing my belly.
"Awh" I said rubbing his head.

"Healthy girl" he added mumbling.
"What was that?" I laughed.
"I want a baby girl" he turned his head so he was laying close to my belly but facing me.

"Awh well I want a little boy" I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"I don't know it's kind of just a thing boys want a girl and girls want a boy, daddy's girl, mommy's boy" I explained.

"Oh that makes sense" Zak said rubbing my belly.

"They're the size of a pea right now" I said.
"They're that small?" Zak asked amazed.
"Yea" I said.

I got up and stretched.

I couldn't help but notice Zak was caring for me so much he was helping me around and get up.
"You know getting up doesn't become a problem til later on in the pregnancy right?" I asked him.
"Yea I'm just practicing" he said.
"Ok then" I laughed.
I got dressed and headed downstairs.

I cooked some breakfast and me and Zak ate.

"I can't believe it" Zak said widening his eyes.
"What's that?" I asked.
"You have a little human in there, it's a mini version of us" he said putting his hand on my belly.

"Yea it is" I said looking at my belly.

"You know what that means?" He said.
"That were going to have a mini skeppy running around chaotic soon?" I asked answering his question.

"Well yea that but I'm going to be a father" he said in shock.

"Yeah and I'm also probably going to be pregnant during our wedding" I pointed out.

I can tell in his face he got really excited.

(I realize the dates don't match up to be like 6 weeks pregnant but like just pretend it does because I already killed so many braincells, I wrote the pregnancy chapter bc I wanted it to happen already even tho it's only been like 3 weeks)

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