The blonde let out a melodic laugh, "Yes she did, and Princess Jazzy did the shoes." She lifted the hem of her dress to show off the light purple platform pumps with faux diamonds decorating the ankle strap.

"What about your gloves?" Another reporter asked.

"Oh, they were done but this wonderful new designer Dizzy Turmaine of the isle. Can't you just tell how much talent she has," she could basically hear Dizzy squeal from the isle.

"Is lady Evie your seamstress?"

She nodded, "Yes, she is. Her and Princess Jazzy, they're business partners."

"Did Sir Jay help you with your jewelry today?"

"He gifted them to me and after today he'll be lord Jay to the court."

There were more flashing lights and yelling as her brother came down the line and joined her, behind him she could see Jazzy, Aziz, Carlos, Aaron and Evie. Ben and Mal had gone ahead much like Jay. Her brother came holding an arm out for her. She grasped it, posed for a few more pictures and walked towards the boat.

She walked to her place letting go of her brother's arm, "are you okay?" she whispered.

He raised an eyebrow, "Why wouldn't I be?

She gave him a deadpanned look, "I saw how you were looking at her during the fight, you wanted to help her."

"Look all me and Uma had-"

"I didn't say her name."

His face bloomed bright red, he calmed himself down and sighed, "Look it's not important right now, we can talk about this after, let's just have a nice cotillion."

He kissed her cheek and went to walk away, "Hey," he turned back. "We'll figure it all out."

He smiled back at her, "I know. 'Cause we're awesome."

Ella shook her head and shuffled her feet nervously. The horns blew and Lumiere walked up. "The future Lady Mal," The purple haired fey presented herself at the top of the steps. Lumiere whispered, "you work it girl" in an effort to calm her down. Everyone clapped but what caught Mal's attention was Diaval at the bottom of the steps next to a woman she recognized from the pictures in Ella's dorm as Cassandra. Ryder caught her eye from the bottom of the steps and smiled at her nodding at Adam and Belle while trying to hold back a laugh. Both royals looked like they had swallowed a lemon. She let a small smile come to her as she walked down the stairs.

Adam stepped forward to get her, but Eugene stopped him, "That's the father's duty if he is present," he nodded to Diaval who was talking a good amount of joy in the whole situation.

He stepped up to Mal and held his hand out, "You look beautiful darling. According to his royal pompousness down there, Ben is still on his way," He assured her.

She looked down at the dress then back at him, "thank you papa."

Before anymore was said Lumiere announced, "Princess Ella."

How Ella managed to look beautiful and stay stony faced Mal would never know nor grasp. Eugene walked up to her, "You look wonderful sunshine."

"Thank you, daddy, and thank you for keeping Diaval safe. Mal really needed him."

He nodded, "Of course but next time Mal needs help, maybe have to talk to mom instead of going all the way to the isle."

She giggled lowly, "Deal."

Evie came to get Mal and Ryder to Ella. "The future Lord Jay."

Jay came down the stairs looking regal, as per his girlfriend's training, but feeling like he wanted to pass out. The mothers were supposed to let the sons come down the stairs themselves so Merida, who so graciously offered to stand in for his mother, waited till he was at the bottom of the steps to meet him. "Evie did an amazing job, look amazing, you all do," Jay's eyes drifted to Ella who looked stunning in a deep purple dress.

𝖂𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖉 (𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕭𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝕿𝖜𝖔)Where stories live. Discover now