Chapter Fifteen: "May Our Fates Intertwine"

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It's hard to recall the details of his death through his eyes; mainly because he was barely cognitive to perceive let alone remember anything by the time it finally happened. But now I know him, I could never forget my own memories of it as Hiiro and I had watched.

. . .

On the third morning of The Boy's infirmity, I happened to be staying with my father again, playing the role of his puppet, getting my fix, and hating every second that reminded me of my dependence on him. But at the time I was getting tired of begging on the streets, so when my old man handed me a bag of money that morning telling me I had a murder request from a man named Akitake Goto, I wasn't eager to do his work, but didn't think twice.

Besides, after what he'd gotten me to do to the airport a few days ago I could hardly turn my nose up at something as small as killing one man for the sake of a revenge request.

Taking Hiiro with me, I teleported to the address Goto-san had given us. Solidifying in the crackled snow-blanketed streets of a suburban neighborhood, I recognized it vaguely. I had been there just a few days ago. I remembered thinking how many poor people around here might be in need of my cheap services. At the far corner of the block, I remembered watching a forlorn-looking blonde haired boy leaning over the side of his apartment balcony. Seeing the ayakashi fluttering around his apartment, I had decided to advertise my number on the side of the collective mail box for that building, hoping he or another of these bums might see it and maybe I could scrape up just enough cash to get myself out of my father's hands. I didn't think anyone would see it though, for it had been snowing non-stop that whole winter and I knew my little scribble would soon be buried. But, sure enough as Hiiro and I approached the apartments on the end of the block and passed the post box, I noted out of the side of my eye that my graffiti ad was exposed. Snow had been brushed off the side of the box like someone had been trying to read it.

My heart skipped a beat at the thought. What if, any second now, a human called on me to walk their dog, or clean their house, or repair their bike and I missed the opportunity because I was out there killing a man for someone else's vengeance?

"We're on the top floor, apartment 13c." said Hiiro, rousing me from my wishful thinking. Obviously thrilled for the job, she added, "He said this one should put up a good fight, too."

The phantoms I had seen circling one of the balconies the other day had multiplied by tens. Little to medium sized ayakashi sat outside the same balcony I'd see the kid on the other day. Other, larger ones barged the adjacent window of the same apartment. Something told me that one might happen to be apartment 13c.

But I couldn't teleport to a place I hadn't been and couldn't picture in my mind. So, calling Hiki and grasping her hilt, I tightened the belt of the black kimono Father had lent me and waited for an opening. Soon enough, the front doors of the building swung gently open as a woman stepped out and headed for the mailbox. As she moved out I rushed forward and slipped inside. She made no sound or sign of having felt my presence.

Being near invisible to humans; how convenient it is for the work my Father assigns me... I hate it.

The inside of the complex was even drearier than the outside and stunk like moth balls. Swiftly climbing three narrow flights of creaking stairs, being careful not to scrape Hiki's long blade on the walls, my attention was drawn to blue and red flashing lights in my peripheral. Out the window beside me, two police cars drove up and parked in front of the building.

"Goto-san said something about the police probably having a warrant for this man's arrest." Hiiro explained to me internally, "I think he's withholding a kid he doesn't have custody of or something like that. That's why Goto-san wanted us to do it now while he's vulnerable."

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