Chapter 5

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*Macallister's POV*

We walked back from the training room and went up to our floor. We had a little more time off now to talk with our mentors about the Games. This was our last day in the Capitol. This time tomorrow, we would be in the arena and fighting for our lives. 

Since I had talked to Peeta earlier, now I had to do whatever Madime had planned. It didn't seem to be start off on a good note when I walked into the room to find an arrangement of clothes. She was apparently in charge of getting me used to my new outfits and how to present myself. This was gonna be a fun hour. 

We started off easy with how I wanted to present myself in front of the Capitol people and the other tributes. She thought it would be best for me to come off as strong and confident. I was in the Career alliance, after all. 

The outfits she had chosen for me weren't very difficult to deal with. They were a bit heavy at first with all the fabric and design but I got used to the extra weight on my shoulders. Back home, I would help my father carry boxes of supplies to the workshops. They were pretty heavy so this was nothing compared to my normal burden. 

My stylist- Kiora- is in charge of what I wear and what I look like for most everything. So far, she has been wonderful in presenting me the way I wanted. I can only hope that her and Linus' techniques can help during the interviews. 

The tribute interviews started in about an hour. They were always placed on the final day in the Capitol to show off ourselves one last time before we were sent into the arena. 

Madime finished off her lesson rather quickly and ushered me out of the room and to Kiora. Apparently she thought it would take forever to get ready but the prep team got right to work. They went through the normal procedure and then sent me off to wait for my outfit to be delivered. 

Kiora brought it through the room and I gasped. It was a deep red color and it had an intricate design of stitched flame at the bottom. It glimmered under the light and I figured my sister's dress would do the same. 

I walked out of the room and looked across the hall to see Scarlett walk out of her room at the same time. She looked marvelous in her nearly identical outfit- just in dress form. It had the same type of effect in the light as I had though it would. She looked much better than I did, for sure. 

We linked our hands and walked towards the elevators that would take us down to the stage. All the tributes would meet behind stage to line up in order. Then we would file out onto the stage and sit in the back until the announcer called our name and we would sit next to him and answer the questions. It didn't seem too difficult- but then i saw the audience. 

Every seat in the entire building was filled with someone from the Capitol. Nearly everybody had a different color in their hair and their outfits. It was a sea of different, bright colors and people when I looked out. I felt the nerves start up in my stomach, threatening to bring up my lunch. 

"Please welcome Triker Vender!" said a booming voice out of nowhere. 

Triker bounced onto stage with his award winning smile and thanked everyone for joining us. 

"Tonight, is a very important night. We will get the first inside look on the lives of our tributes! Who's ready for it?!" He said and it was followed by a frenzy of clapping and cheering from the people in the audience. 

The first person to go up was Camille from District 1. She went for the arrogant approach and the peopel loved it. She had just the right amount of over-confidence to show everyone she meant what she said. It seemed almost impossible not to love her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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