"Have fun?" Caroline asked, walking over to me. "Oh, cute shoes." She says, looking down to the boots i wore yesterday. 

    "Thanks, C." I smile. "And yes, i am having fun." Music is blasting and everyone's drinking. I take a sip out of my bottle.  

     "Have you seen Stefan?" She asks. I frown knowing she likes Stefan, but i can tell Stefan likes Elena, a lot. 

   "No, hey Care, maybe you sho-" 

 "Oh! There he is." Caroline beamed, flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking over to the entrance. "My time to shine." I sigh, shaking my head and start walking over to Elena and Bonnie. 

    "He has that romance novel stare." Bonnie beams as i walk up. 

   "Oo, do spill. Who are we talking about?" I ask. 

   "Stefan." Bonnie smirks, looking over to Elena, who's blushing. "So where is he?" 

   I was about to tell them he's with Caroline, but she should have a fair shot even though i know what's gonna happen, but even if i was gonna say something Elena spoke up first. "I don't know, you tell me. You're the psychic one." She laughs.

    "Right, i forgot. Give me a sec, Grams says i need to concentrate." Bonnie says with an eye roll. I go along with the charade, downing the last of my beer and handing the bottle to Bonnie. 

    "Every psychic needs a crystal ball." I smirk, she smiles and take it, closing her eyes. As soon as Bonnie fully takes the bottle in her hand, she gasps, her expression going blank. Elena looks at me with a confused. A chill ran up my spine, but not one from being cold, it was like a feeling of dread. Something bad was going to happen. 

    "What?" Elena asks with a frown. 

"That was weird, when i touched it, i saw a crow." Bonnie said, looking to the ground. Elena looks scared. 

   "What?" Elena asks again, now afraid. 

"A crow. There was fog, and a man." Bonnie looks up seeing how freaked out Elena was and then put on a smile. "It's the drinking, I'm drunk. There's nothing psychic okay?" Bonnie says pulling the bottle away from me. "I'm gonna go get a refill." 

    "What was all that about?" Elena asks me. I shrug, shaking my head. Elena and I turn around, Stefan right behind us. I gasp, jumping a little and so does Elena. 

   "Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you." He says, his eyes land on Elena and he smiles, "Hi." 

   "And i'm gonna go." I say, walking back over to the fire. On my way there, i see Jeremy sitting alone on a bench, i sigh walking over to him and sit down with him. 

   "Here to bust me?" He scoffs. 

"Woah there brother, I'm the fun one." I remind him. He laughs, nodding, agreeing with me. He looks over to the left, seeing Vicki and Tyler walking into the woods. 

    "Prick." He mutters. 

"Leave it alone, Jer." 

    "Why? He's an ass, he takes the opportunity to get with Vicki the second you two break up. Honestly a little too fast." He explains, and he's right. 

   "Just leave it alone, please." I say, he shakes his head, standing up. "Jer." I groan, getting up to follow him, walking into the woods. 
   We walk for a minute in silence until a scream ripped through the trees. 

   "No, i said no!" I hear Vicki shout. Jeremy starts running and i run as fast as i can in heels. "Ow, that hurts!" Vicki shouts once again, when we get there, Vicki pushes Tyler off. 

    "Hey! Leave her alone!" Jeremy yells. Tyler moves away from Vicki and towards Jeremy and I. 

    "You know, you're starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert." Tyler glares, "I try to hide it for your sister, but right now, i kind of want to kick your ass." 
   Tyler starts moving forward, and Jeremy grabbed my arm pulling me behind him. Vicki ran up, pushing Tyler away. 

   "Don't Tyler, Get the hell away from me!" Vicki shouts. 

   "Wow, Vicki Donovan says no." He scoffs, "That's a first."

   "Tyler, don't be such a dick." I glare, "Come on." I say, pulling his arm and leading him out of the woods. "Why do you have to be such an asshole?" 

    "What are you doing?" He asks slightly confused. 

    "Walking with my Ex-boyfriend and making sure he doesn't get arrested for being  huge dick." I say moving forward.

    "Why are you helping me?" 

"I don't know, okay?" I sigh. "I don't know, maybe because i don't want you to screw up your life, so either accept my help or don't i don't care." I say, letting go of his arm. 

    "Alina, come on. You br-" 

"Somebody help!" I hear Elena yell, she's panicking. I break into a sprint, and i can hear Tyler behind me. When i get to where i heard Elena and i see Jeremy carrying Vicki out of the other half of the woods. Tyler and I run over to where everyone is standing. 

    "Everyone's crowding, back them up." I demand, Tyler and Matt move to push people back. 

   "Give her some space!" 

"Something bit her, she's losing a lot of blood." Elena cries not knowing what to do. I huff, pulling my sweater over my head, leaving me in my white tank top and put my sweater to her neck, trying to stop the bleeding. 

    "Come on, Vicki..." I mutter, I look up, my eyes locking with Stefan's and as soon as he realizes that i am in fact, staring at him, he turns around. 

   Where is he going....

----- 3rd person POV----

     As Stefan Salvatore rushed into his house, his Uncle Zach stood up. "What's going on?" He asked as Stefan slammed the door shut. 

    "Someone else was attacked tonight Zach, and it wasn't me who did it." Stefan said quickly before running up the stairs into his room. As soon as he walked in he could sense something wasn't right, the same exact feeling Alina Gilbert had gotten. 
    A crow flew into the room, landing on one of the rafters into the room. He gulped, slowly turning around and seeing someone he thought he wouldn't have seen for a hundred years.  


"Hello, Brother." Damon spoke, a smirk on his face. The crow flew back outside landing on the balcony railing and then squawking. 

    "Crow's a bit much, don't you think?" Stefan asked with a glare. 

    "Wait till you see what i can do with the fog." He mused.

    "When'd you get here?" 

"Well i couldn't miss your first day of school." Damon said in a 'duh' tone, walking over to Stefan's bookshelf. "Your hair's different. I like it." 

    "It's been fifteen years, Damon." Stefan glared. 

     "Thank god, i couldn't take another day of the nineties." He complained. "That horrible grunge look? Did not suit you." He said with a chuckle as he walked around his brothers room. "Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads."

    "Why are you hear?" Stefan growled. 

"I miss my little brother." Damon shrugged. 

    "You hate small towns. They're boring, there's nothing for you to do."

    "I've managed to keep myself busy." Damon smirked. 

     "You know, you left that girl alive tonight. That's very clumsy of you." 

    "Ah... that can be a problem... for you." Stefan shook his head at his brothers words. 

    "Why are you here now?" Stefan repeated. 

 "I could ask you the same question. However, i'm fairly certain your answer can be summed up into three little words." Damon smirked, "The Gilbert twins, but which one?" 

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