Blinking her eyes at me Crystal stated, “That actually is a great idea Josey, all in favor?” Everyone raised their hands and shouted in agreement; Sam shot me a thumb up. Tilting her chin up Crystal stated, “Then I hereby give permission to use Josey’s idea for the dance.” She banged her hand down on the table while everyone cheered.

            The second Crystal put me in charge of decorations I had a group of preppy girls start coming up with different supplies we could buy during the weekend and ways we could decorate the gym. Sam and I were lounging coming up with decoration ideas when the door opened and Tim walked in looking a little pissed off. “What is up with you,” I asked and he immediately perked up when he saw us.

            “Oh my god at the last minute Ms. Robin decided that they needed a few boys on the decorating whatever this is and now we have a few of us coming down as we speak,” he explained right as about seven rugby players came barging in shouting. I watched disgusted as a few happy couples were reunited and started making out without a care in the world. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Crystal was pissed off about it too, especially when Nick walked in last and kicked the door shuts.

            Clearing her throat loudly Crystal shouted, “Okay everyone let’s get to work now, boys how about you start coming up with a list of food and drinks; please keep in mind that the school board will be approving this list and anything else is going to have to be snuck in by yourself.” The boys all cheered while the girls hung around them giggling like school girls; the sight was horrifying.

            Sam and Tim sat down watching me sketch out the perfect design we could have for the courtyard and then a main center piece in the gym. A few minutes later Sam said, “So I guess this means that we all have to go to the dance.”

            Erasing a few lines I snorted, “Just because we are decorating the place does not mean I want to come within ten miles of this place during the dance. It’s just going to be happy delirious couples dancing around like idiots; they can do that in their free time.”

            Drawing her knees up to her chin Sam pouted, “Oh come on Josey you have never been to a school dance before right? It’s more than just dancing with a person you like it’s mostly about showing off that person and how happy you guys are together.”

            “Well I don’t like anyone here so I won’t have a date therefore I would look stupid if I came to the dance.”

            “Give me a break this entire design and competition was your idea you should at least try to win.”

            Rolling my eyes I went back to sketching right when I felt someone sit down to my left. When a whiff of cologne wafted into my nose I asked, “And what brings the most popular boy, captain of the rugby team, and savior of everyone’s lives, Nicholas Garten over here to the dork side?”

            I looked up into his sky blue eyes and completely lost myself for a moment before he grunted, “Crystal is annoying the hell out of me.” Mentally shaking myself and smacking myself conscious for being so weak I gave him an evil grin while he narrowed his eyes. “What is so funny about that,” he complained.

            Smirking still I went back to drawing and replied, “It’s funny because you’re annoyed, do I need any other reason to laugh at you?” Before I could react his hand shot out grabbed the paper I was using to draw on and he ran away laughing. “Yo douche bag give it back,” I screamed leaping to my feet and giving chase; damn he was fast.

            I chased him around the auditorium about twenty times before he started to get tired and I gained a few feet on him. He looked over his shoulder smiling right when I launched myself onto his back wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. “Give me my drawing back,” I whined trying to grab it from his hand while he held it farther from my reach.

Kill Me SweetlyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon