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suga pov 

I continued to sit with jimin. His eye smile is so adorable why would anyone bully him. A few minutes more minutes past by and tae and hobi were walking into the cafeteria. I looked at my watch and it's been half an hour. I looked up and saw how jimin shift in his seat. He began to get up but I nudged him under the table. He looked at me confused. "it's fine" I said low. He sat back down. Hobi and tae came sitting as well. Hobi at the end and tae at the other end next to Jungkook. Tae snuggled up into jugnkook and hobi laid on my shoulder as if they were exhausted. 'could be from standing in line too long' i thought. But something told me otherwise. The table was awkwardly silent until hobi spoke up. "nice to talk to you again" he said to jimin but not making eye contact. He said in a cold low voice. I saw jimin shift from the uncomfortable atmosphere. I nudged hobi to be more polite. "what happened to Namjoon and jin Hyung? why are you over here?" hobi asked snottily. "what happened to your manners? ever since suga Hyung you became a douche bag" jimin said fiercely. It surprised me and the others. Hobi facial expression changed. I could tell he was mad. Jimin stroked his orange hair back and sighed. He got up from his seat. "please excuse me" he said walking off. A part of me wanted to follow him. I watched as we walked away. Hobi grabbed my face. "what's wrong with you?" he asked. "that was no way to talk to him" I said bluntly. "BUT-!" he began to scream but I cut him off. "you both were out of line," I said getting up from my seat. "where you headed?" Jungkook asked. "to take a leak" I lied. He decided to join me. We began to walk around the school until the period was over. Jungkook knew I wasn't gonna go use the bathroom but he didn't say anything when we passed it. I and Jungkoook then heard screaming and rapid footsteps. I turn the corner and bumped into jimin. He fell into my arms panting. His face red from running, his nose and lip bleeding and a cut on his forehead. We all then heard his name being yelled by a bunch of girls. He jumped and ran behind me. The girls came running from around the corner. 20 or 30 of them. I was surprised, to be honest. "what do you want?" I asked all of them. no one spoke. "if I ever catch ANY of you girls harming him there's gonna be a problem." I said. the girl in the front spoke. "you shouldn't be concerning yourself with that pig. How about concern yourself with me and take care of me" she said walking up to me seductively. I almost laughed. "that's the best you could do sweetheart. fuck off" I said swatting my hand towards her. She then sucked her teeth and left with the rest of the girls. I looked at jimin and jimin was shaking like crazy. he was crying, panting and coughing at the same time. I knew what was happening. "he's having an anxiety attack. go get Namjoon and jin Hyung and meet me at the nurse" I said to Jungkook. he ran off and I carried jimin. he was fighting me a little. "relax I'm taking you to the nurse" I whispered in his ear. he then passed out in my arms. I jogged with him to my arms in the nurse. she ordered me to lay him on the bed and so I did. I sat by his bedside until the others arrived. couple minutes passed and Namjoon, jin, tae, hobi, and Jungkook came inside. I picked my head up from my hands. "he didn't wake up yet?" jin Hyung asked. I shook my head. "no" I said quietly. "um I'm sorry but we have to do a procedure" the nurse said walking in. "what procedure?" Namjoon asked. "uh just to check for the bruising on his upper body and to clean the blood," she said. "someone has to stay," the nurse said. "I don't think he would be comfortable if I did the procedure and someone that he knows wasn't there". "suga stay," Jin Hyung said. I was surprised. "why me?" I asked. "don't ask questions. as your Hyung, I'm telling you to stay" he said sternly. "imma stay to" hobi said. "no your not. after what happened downstairs your not staying" Jungkook said. I nodded. hobi hugged me and left with the others. I sat as the nurse did the procedure. minor bruising on the ribs and chest. they look like footmarks. I began to boil inside. the nurse then left and I sat next to jimin. 30 minutes passed and Jimins eyes began to open. "y-yoongi hyung?" he mumbled as he saw me. "hey relax," I said stroking his hair. his eyes then popped wide open. "HOBI! DID HE SAY ANYTHING?!" he screamed sitting up really fast. he then got a bad headache and clutched his eyes close. "why do you care so much of what he thinks?" I asked sighing and pushing him down so he can lay down. "because... I don't want you.. dealing with such things" he said low. "I don't want you getting into shit because of me," he said frowning. that was the first time I heard him curse. "don't worry about that" I said stroking his hair again. He hummed at my touch and closed his eyes. 

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