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Felicity fought as Slade dragged her across the room by her ponytail. She tried kicking him, punching him, but it did nothing. He seemed to feel none of it. It was like the man wasn't quite human anymore. He pulled her even closer as he dragged her up the stairs and she could smell a hint of aftershave on him. At least her abductor had a sense of personal hygiene. More than she could say about most of the criminals in Starling City. Not relevant a voice in her brain interjected. Felicity thought it said something about her inner mind that the voice had sounded remarkably like Oliver.

"What are you doing to do to me?" Felicity stuttered as Slade placed her on a chair, before kneeling down and tying her wrists and ankles to the chair. She winced as the rope cut into her wrists, the bindings done too tightly. She wasn't Oliver by any means, so the extra precautions he seemed to be taking seemed a little superfluous in her opinion.

"We're going to have a little fun." Slade replied, smirking. "All you have to is sit in that chair and scream upon command. Shouldn't too hard given that I'm about to put a knife in your leg. And then your shoulder. And then your stomach."

Felicity stared at him in horror, furiously tugging at her bindings. Her previous assessment had been correct though; she wasn't going anywhere.

"Oh, and of course I'm going to film it. Only fair to let Oliver see your final moments on this Earth."

"You're crazy!" Felicity spat.

"Queen's the crazy one if he thinks he can save anything." Slade turned away from her and walked over to a low table by the wall. He picked up a hunting knife, before turning back towards her. "All he does it ruin people's lives. He destroyed my life, so I'm going to destroy his. It's his turn to watch the woman he loves die because of someone he thought was a friend."

"I'm sure whatever Oliver did, he didn't mean to hurt you." 

"He didn't mean to drive an arrow through my eye then?"

"Oh." Felicity fell silent for a moment. "I'm sure we could talk this over and come to an arrangement. One that doesn't involve that knife coming anywhere near my body." Her eyes locked on the jagged blade, Slade stalking ever closer.

"Sorry, love." He even sounded the slightly sincere. "But the kid has to pay, and it has to be you."

Felicity screamed as Slade drove the knife into her left thigh. She almost passed out from the pain, her mind telling her this was the end. This is how she would die. An image of Oliver and Dig flashed in front of her and then just Oliver. She regretted so much. She wished she could have been brave enough to tell him how she felt. Now she never would.

She screamed again and this time did pass out when Slade pulled the knife out of her leg and plunged it into her shoulder.

On the other side of town, Oliver and John turned towards the computers in the Foundry as the screen lit up, an email notification popping up.

'Play me'.

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