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Felicity blinked. Her eyes opened then slammed shut again. Too bright. She decided to try some over senses first. Sight could come later. She focused on her ears. She could hear whirring and steady beeping that sounded like some sort of machine. Where was she?

She slowly inched her eyes open, trying to get used to the light gradually. After a few attempts she could see out of her eyes fully, if somewhat blurry. Glasses, she needed her glasses.

Looking around she recognised where she was. Hospital. God did she hate hospitals. Too many bad things happened in hospitals. It was the place she ended up every time she had an allergic reaction to peanuts. It was the place Oliver had so often ended up after a bad night out as the Arrow. 


It all came flooding back to her. Slade, the knife, and Oliver fighting for both their lives. She remembered the wound to his side and hoped that it hadn't been too serious.

How had she gotten her?

Something must have gone right. She doubted Slade would have gone through all of the trouble to stab her multiple times and kill Oliver, only to drop her off at the hospital like a concerned citizen. The thought made her laugh. Pain shot through her. Okay, maybe laughing was a bad idea. She closed her eyes and relaxed back into the pillows. No one was here at the moment and she was exhausted. Maybe she would just rest her eyes for a few minutes.

* * *

Felicity was woken by the sound of a door opening. Given the light difference in her room from earlier, she figured she had been asleep for a while; not just the couple of minutes she had planned.

She focused her eyes on the doorway, trying to identify the figure standing there. Oliver. Blurry as hell, but definitely Oliver. She would know that man anywhere.

"You're awake." He said softly. A smile spread across his face as he crossed to her bedside. "You had us worried there for a minute."

"How long was I out for?" Felicity asked. Her voice was weak and her throat dry. Oliver was as in tune to her needs as ever and held out a glass of water, offering her a straw as well. Grateful, she took both in shaky hands and brought the straw to her lips. Oliver's hand wrapped around the glass, steadying it. She smiled in thanks and handed the glass back to him. "You never answered my question."

"Just under nine days."


"Felicity," Oliver started, "I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen to you. I should have..."

"Oliver." She interrupted. "It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is."

"No. And a don't blame you. Or hate you." Felicity took a breath. "Actually, there was something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Yes?" Oliver asked apprehensively.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" 

Oliver grinned. "Pretty sure that's normally my job to ask that."

"Oh, stop being such a cave man. It's the 21st Century Oliver, women are perfectly capable of asking someone out on a date. Unless of course you don't want to?" Felicity backtracked. "In that case you should probably just say no and leave before I get any more embarrassed and..."



"Yes, I'd love to take you on a date."

"Oh, okay then." Felicity smiled. "Cool."

"Get some rest, Felicity." Oliver said standing up. "I'm going to go let the doctors know that you're awake and then I'm going to tackle the huge list of your friends that will want an update."

Oliver walked towards the door, pausing as he opened it, "By the way, Lance knows I'm the Arrow."

"Oliver!" Felicity called as he closed the door behind her. How could he just say something like that and leave? Didn't he know she needed details? She flopped back onto the bed; dating his guy was going to be real fun...

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