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                       6 years later

Zaharia come here, so I can fix your hair and where is your brothers.

Mommy you braid tight, and Demarion upstairs cleaning his room, Zayvion is playing in his room and Dad got Princeton." She said yes I had another baby but this time it's by King

I'm just going to put some plats in your head, with some barrettes, and d knockers.

Mommy can you do the triangle parts I really did like that.

Yes princess.

Let me call yall father so he can get yall this week since it spring break.


What you yayying about lil girl?" King said while coming into the kitchen

Mommy letting me stay with Daddy for a whole week." Zaharia responded back 

Really Shanae for a week? Did you even ask Zayvion? King asked you would really think King is their father he so overprotective about all of them even Demarion.

Not yet, but I will most certainly ask him.

Ight now give your husband a kiss while I head on off to work."

Take your lil demon seed with you to."

Don't do him he ain't even that bad, now a child that was bad was Zaharia man she had a smart mouth when she was 2."

Dad I'm a good girl now." She said

Yes you are! you are sweet,you are kind, you are important." King said while laughing, him and that movie The Help.

Demarion, Priceton, and Zayvion come downstairs right now. After 10 minutes I heard all of them running down the stairs

Princeton go in the living room and wait for me so we can paint pictures and for yall 2 do yall want to stay you Dad for a week." I asked

I do, I do." Demarion said

No not really,but if my lil sister there then yeah." Zayvion said him and Za'nyriah get along well I sometimes let her come over here to play with Zaharia. I still don't like her mother but I don't show it only Demarion knows and he keep his mouth shut about it.

I'm just now finishing Zaharia hair and now I'm about to wash my hands so I can paint pictures with my baby boy.

Mommy can I join?" Zaharia asked

Yes sure baby." I answered back


I'm on my way to pick up my kids I miss them so much. Me and Chynique stopped talking but we do co-parent a lot I have Za'nyriah Fri, Sat and Sunday, since it's spring break I will have all 5 of my children thats right I have a 3 year old son he is named after me. I had him when I was with Chynique. I had hurt her to the core when we was together for them 4 years, but little do she know she put me in a fucked up situation as well she drugged me, she got pregnant by me and then I lost my fiancè behind that now I have to sit back in watch my ex be happy with a nigga that she never got over. That's not it when I found out she was pregnant with lil man I wanted him 2 be my baby so bad then she turned around and got married to King. Every time I think about that I get angry. Right now I'm about to pick up my son from his momma then I have to go get my daughter, and my other kids and then the thought of me about to have another two on the way by Chynique

Daddy, Daddy." Jr. said

What up lil man?

When I'm going to meet my brothers?" He asked

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