[Credits Roll]

48 4 15

This project would've not existed without Wattpad. So it's only fitting that I finished it a day before getting my ambassador badge.

I wrote the bulk of it three years back but decided against sending it to publishers after a particularly bad beta reading experience. Boy, did that woman hate Lizzie.

Thanks to the support of people here, I not only finished it, but I also published it, which I never thought I'd do.

If you want to help make this project better, please comment with your feedback, it's always fun when people get drawn into my world.

Thank you for tolerating Lizzie's quirks and hopefully, her journey is not that common, not because it's slow and difficult, but because she shouldn't have gone through it, in the first place.

Lizzie learned her lesson and will make better choices, I hope it's been made clear in the book that she didn't have to, she was just forced to by bad people. A survivor's journey always starts with unfairness, and it makes them bitter, their voice unlikable.

I had great fun writing this, like with all my projects. Hopefully, it shows!

Have a great day and thank you for reading Lizzie's story in its entirety!

Special thanks to AnaNina28, PrincessRoyal343 & lola12033 for all their support, in the early days.

No Credit Roll is complete without a soundtrack, so here it is, the Lazy Lizzie CD - Because The Gramophone Was Too Heavy.




Lazy LizzieWhere stories live. Discover now