Celstia finds out and so does everypony else

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As a messanger came upon the gates of canterlot he gasped for he had not seen this kingdom before so he came up to canterlot castle and knocked, the guards opened the door and saw a strange pony standing in front of them .*Umbrum messanger*,"greetings i am from the kingdom of Arcanus and would like to forward this invitation to you please read it and decide what you want to do, goodbye." (Invitation),"you are hear by invited to join our kingdom of Arcanus, where you can be yourself." As all the pony's in the throne room stood shocked about the news of a new kingdom Celestia spoke up.

*Celestia*,"oh a new kingdom we, should check it out maybe Twilight is there, Let's investigate." As the two sisters.Twilight's brother and her friends got ready to journey to this new kingdom all the other umbrum messangers, had returned to thier kingdom and brought the news that the invitations had been delivered.

*Sombra*,"ah wonderful me and my queen will welcome anybody that comes through our gates and my son spike is going to be the royal captain." Sombra had given spike leadership of their army and Spike was very proud to have been given such a responsible job he briefly thought if this would make rarity swoon but remembered she blew him off right in front of him so he stopped thinking of her. As the sun journeyed across equastrian skies the group of  the two sisters, shinning armor, cadence,and the mane 5 all got on the crystal express and road to the empire on the train they decided to rationalize where on Equis did Twilight go.

*Rainbow dash*,"so what if Twilight isn't at this new kingdom. Then what?". *Applejack*,"Don't rightly Kno rainbow we just havta look, But hopefully she's in this new kingdom, I'm mighty worried y'all...why would she just, Up and leave?".

*Cadence*,"Tia can you think of anything that's happened recently?".

*Celestia* ,"well no. Other than the crystal empires return, And your wedding, Nothing".

*Luna*," sister please tell us how that day  occured for we were asleep and was not awoken...we are a heavy sleeper".

*Cadence*," yeah you never really explained how that day started".

*Celestia*,"well I reminded shinning armor about Twilight and he freaked out...then her and her friends came to canterlot".

*Pinkie pie*,"oh oh oh me me". She cried, Raising one of her hooves into the air.

*Celestia*," yes. Pinkie".

*Pinkie*,"well we got there and we all met shinning armor, Then we met cadence, who was chrysalis".

They all flinched at this. *Applejack*,"then at lunch when ah was making mah fritters, Ah had 'cadence' eat em she told me she love love loved em...then twi told me she tossed em...".

*Rarity*," then there was the dress. She wanted it redone...but Twilight said it was perfect. And I had said it was the brides choice to change if they wanted". 

*Fluttershy*,"oh then there was the accusation". They all looked as if they remember something even shinning armor.

*Cadence*," what. What is it?".

*Celestia*,"oh when she accused 'you' of being evil 'you' burst into tears and ran off...we...". They all began to account how they each said how Twilight was wrong. *Shinning armor*,"yeah. I vaguely remember it. I think chrysalis let my mind go for a split second. I saw how 'you' ran off and blew up on Twilight...I said she couldn't be the maid of honor...and to not come at all". His head fell as did his mood.

*Celestia*,"then...I said she had some things to think about...". Luna and cadence were shocked, they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

*Cadence*," your kidding right. At least one of you stayed by her side... right?".  And the rest hung their heads. *Luna* ,"we cannot believe you left the one pony who knew we were returning. And saved us from the darkness...and was our friend". Luna wilted the most. For her and Twilight bonded after nightmare night , And Twilight wasn't afraid of her, As the other pony's, looked ashamed and  felt sad.

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