Closest call...but the truth revealed!

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As the days turned to weeks Sombra had taken the time to teach his surrogate son how to defend himself and others. spike and sombra had grown close over the past weeks between his date's with Twilight and spike now ended up calling Sombra Dad... when he first said it spike tried to play it off scared he might lose Sombra but when he saw his Dad's elated face he knew that he always wanted to be called that and has since referred to Sombra as such. Noon had just begun as Sombra and spike entered the treehouse  returning from one of their training session's when Twilight asked *Twilight*,"Hey you two where have you been going every morning".she was just worried for spike safety so Spike decided to put her worries at bay *Spike* ,"y,know just guy stuff nothing dangerous ". Twilight. Breathed a sigh of relief and dropped the subject Sombra cantered up to his marefriend a kissed her they shared a few seconds of passion but the need for oxygen separated them just then a scroll materialized in a gout of flames from spike as Twilight began reading the letter a smile broke out over her muzzle and Sombra decided to ask what she was happy about.

*Sombra*,"So what's got you so happy Twily.".*Twilight*,"Candece and my brother are coming over to see me i haven't told them about you yet oh i can't wait." Sombra was now as white as a sheet and dreaded the meeting to come as the hours drew on sombra grew more worried . This is it i'm dead oh well it was great while it lasted. Just then he heard knocking at the front door Twilight cantered over and opened it there stood two ponies he really didn't like seeing the Princess of love and twilight's brother of the crystal empire...his home. As they cantered inside shining noticed sombra first. Oh shit he's doing the ",you best explain why you're here look." .sombra gulped nervously and shining asked *shining armor*,"Twilly who is this stallion." Twilight smiled and explained she had been dating sky for awhile. Candice was elated shining begrudgingly agreed with it. Sombra let out a breath of relief at dodging potential beat down and then Candice looked at him strangely. *Candece*,"Do i know you or am i seeing things you look...familiar." Sombra began to sweat hard had the pesky princess of love recognized him. He hoped not so he answered *Sombra*,"no i don't believe we have you must be mistaken miss.".He gestured toward the mare genraly curios as to what her name was for he didn't know it she bowed and said *Cadence*,"my name is princess mi amore cadenza. But you can call me cadence and this is my hubby shining armor." As the ponies in the library conversed shining trying to best sombra in physical activities. And cadence just spouting off about love (annoying whorse)sombra whispered so no one would hear Cadence noticed. Sky wasn't having that much fun doing physical activities with her husband and cast a spell to make him feel joy...suddenly Sombra's entire frame wracked with pain it was so great he whimpered in pain as he fell to his side like a mighty tree being severed from it's trunk. The three other ponies in the room gasped in shock. Cadence demeanor immediately changed from loving to accusing.

*Cadence*,"WHO ARE YOU REALLY THERE IS ONLY ONE PONY IN THE ENTIRE OF EQUASTRIA WHO GET'S WEAKER WITH SPELLS CONCERNING JOY OR LOVE AND THAT'S SOMBRA!."Cadence bellowed Sombra began to sweat until he noticed his spine had become dislocated it must have been shining ramming into him so much trying to outdo him in physical prowess if he had his original form and not this disguise he wouldn't have gotten hurt. but he also knew it was the joy spell his soul hasn't attuned to this knew body so he is still weakened if he was at full strength he wouldn't even feel the joy spell but since that spell did power the crystal heart... all the umbrum's that lived in the crystal empire in harmony with the crystal ponies any umbrum that got near the heart died an any at a distance suffered greatly it only effected the young and old. but he better play off getting hurt by shining.*Sombra*,"no your husband just dislocated my spine and i have problems that i was born with." Shining Armor had the decency to look ashamed Cadence had a look that said she just fucked up and his Twily looked furious. *Twilight*,"how dare you two I invited you here to spend time with you and show you my new colt friend and all you do is throw accusations and hurt him please leave...NOW!."

As her brother and love ass left I tried calming her down by nuzzling her *Sombra*,"Twily calm down please your overreacting." She seemed to have calmed down and nuzzled back harder.*Twilight*,"I really do love you night sky...more than you know." Sombra blank uncomfortable face told Twilight something was wrong but she just nestled near her stallion not wanting to separate and Sombra decided to drop a dangerous hint *Sombra*,"Y,know Twily you are the only mare who has ever stuck with me for so long I did nothing but drive ponies away back the crystal empire..."his heart dropped he fucked up he said where he came from he had said he came from canterlot he could only hope she took this as well as spike had he was sweating bullets when she had raised her head those two sparkling violet orbs of pure beauty looking into his disguised blue ones *Twilight*,"what do you mean crystal told me your from canterlot...who...are you?.".she asked with a saddened look he new he had been cuaght so he played dangerously *Sombra*,"please don't freak out I'll tell you the truth but once I do know my feelings will not change for you Twily I care for you more than anything so do you trust me." Twilight looked at the stallion that had stollen her heart she wanted to scream get out but that look of pure and deep love made her nod and even though her insides were twisting with horror at who she had guessed at just this
with. But she hoped she was wrong... didn't she...*Sombra*,"my name is...Sombra." he looked down ashamed to say it and when he looked at his Twilight and hoped she didn't hate him all the others.*Twilight*,"I...I...I love you Sombra so much." She said as she wrapped everything she had around me and cried her heart out he ...did it! He got the mare he was after but would it last...*Sombra*,"me to My sweat know that no other has encompassed my thoughts more than you and only you my twinkling star." He had brought her into a deep kiss that held all his love for her and her tears turned into happy ones she had fallen for him but it could not be broken but she had to ask *Twilight*,"how are we going to stay together my love." *Sombra*,"I don't know my star...I don't know."Tbc

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