56. Investigation

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Fat gum: Which's why hero agencies round these parts are in need of good fighters you were perfect for the job Red Riot

Red Riot: Happy to be here!! Fourth kind couldn't  take me on so I sure am glad you were able to!!

Suneater: if only mirio was around you scared me with how aggressive you are 

Fat Gum: you'll make a fine team member too tamaki once we do something about that fragile psyche of yours.

As they continue patrolling they heard..

Random person: Its a fight!! someone help!

fat gum: speak of the devil.

Four thugs were running off away from what they were trying to do as they were about to split up fat gum stopped all four of them

random thug: Its Fat!! shoot we're sinking 

Fat gum: That's Mr. Fat the sinker to you

Unfortunately the leader of the gang has a same quirk as edgeshot and manage to get pass Fat gum. As he was gonna make an escaped Tamaki use his quirk and his fingers turn into octopus tentacles and grabbed the thug he pulled the leader towards him while turing his other hand into a clam shell and smacked him across the face.

Suneater:I...did good, didn't I....?

Red Riot:Yeah awesome!! you're a beast at whipping out your quirk all quick like...

As Fat gum was handing the other thugs to the police he also said some compliments to tamaki

Fat Gum: My little suneater already good as any pro when it comes to his skills even if his psyche still needs work.

While the crowd was cheering for the heroes they miss another thug member who happen to be the little brother of the leader pulled out a gun and pointed at tamaki but didn't notice that he was seen by fat.

Fat Gum: Look out! Get Down!

But it was too late Tamaki got shot in the arm and fell 

Thug brother: Run Forit Big Bro!!!

As he was about to take another shot the gun was hit by something and was knock out of the thugs hand. Every looked at the direction of where the mysterious object was thrown and just looking the little brother of the thug was scared cause landing from the night sky was Izuku in his hero costume Glaring at him the littyle brother was already too scared to face him and started running away from him.

Red Riot: Hey get back here

Red Riot started running after the thug with Nightwing next to him

Red Riot: what are you doing here?

Nightwing: working on a investigation this gang bout something from a group called the hassaikai so I need some information from them.

Red Riot: Whats Hassaikai

Nightwing: no time for explanations look he's heading into that alley i know there a dead end so he wont escape.

As the thug reach the dead end seeing there was no where to go he activated his quirk and three blades similar to izuku's gaunlet blades he try to defend himself only for nightwing to dodge and red riot to harden himself and punch him across his cheek knocking him to the ground

Nightwing: *facing Red Riot* you hold back right?

Red Riot: Yeah

As the thug was getting up something slip out of sleeve and was in his hand the object look like an EpiPen notice by nightwing and studying his quirk which is only little blade putting the pieces together the thug injected himself with something and started screaming in pain 

Red Riot: Nightwing whats happening to him

Nightwing: Red Riot get back 

Red Riot: what 

all of a sudden blades from the thug started coming out of all places from him and they all extended Nightwing was able to dodge them but Red Riot got some damage

Red Riot: what did he do to himself

Nightwing: It a quirk booster which are illegal drugs 

Red riot mind: i heard about these if he gets out to the streets we are gonna have a serious mess on our hands gotta end it here!

Red Riot: Nightwing its best to leave it to me

Nightwing:Well im not stopping you go get him

Red Riot:Time to start a riot.

Red Riot mind: looks like i need to use my new power come on more harder

Red riots body stared to turn more rock like his teeth and hair became more sharper the thug attack him but once they hit him the blades broke harming the thug

Red Riot: Unbreakable

The thug then fired lots and lots of blades straight out of his chest but Red Riot just punched through and...

Red Riot: Ultimate move RED GUN TURRENT!!!

hit the thug straight in the gut sending him back. At that time Red Riot turned back into his normal self

Nightwing: nice job

They both gave each other a fist bump as they approached the thug they saw he was crying

Thug Brother:S-Stay back! All I wanted to do was get stronger please lemme good 

Red riot: no can do you shot my senpai plus my friend nightwing here has some questions

Nightwing: where did you get the drug and where the dealer who sold it to you

before he could say blades came from his back and use to boost himself pass nightwing and red riot.

Thug Brother: Im gonna get away You'll never catch me!!

He reach the exit only for him to get hit with a backhand and get knocked to the ground he looked up only to see a gun pointed to his face 

???: Sorry but you're under arrest

Nightwing and Red Riot came out of the Alley way to be greeted by an ally

???:Sorry im late nightwing

Nightwing: No its fine besides you caught the thug thanks...

Red Hood.

To be continue....

Well red hoods back plus what are your guys opinion on Red Hood x Mandalay personally i like it but thats just my opinion hope you guys love the chapter and next Satuday or sundy will be a new chapter if ill have time to work on it anyway see ya guys.

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