Chapter 5-Delivering the Invitations

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The next morning at school Marinette got there early to deliver her invites for her friends. She went to all their lockers and slipped the envelopes through the openings at the top. Marinette paused at Adrien's locker, looking down at the letter she made for Cat Noir. Secretly, she would be overjoyed that her flirty, devoted partner was really her crush Adrien Agreste but it also was a little stomach turning, would she be able to fight knowing Adrien was in danger from an akumatized victim? Cat Noir always had shielded her from attacks from the villians, always getting caught in their spells and manipulations.

Marinette thought for a moment. No, Adrien is brave and resourceful when he wants to. If he was Cat Noir, Id worry for sure but I'm confident in my silly kitty of a partner. Also, if he can wrestle with a dinosaur, he can do anything.

She looked at Adrien's locker and then down at her note. She closed her eyes and took the leap, slipping the envelope into his locker. Marinette smiled to herself and then walked back over to her own locker.

Marinette looked down at her purse, hiding her little friend. "No going back now, Tikki. Lets hope they get there without trouble."

Tikki smiled up at her owner. "Your friends can all be resourceful when they want to, Marinette. Have some faith in them."

Marinette smiled at her little kwami. "You're right, Tikki. They've all handled villains before, getting into a building will be a piece of cake." Marinette then opened her locker and started getting ready for the school day, as the rest of her class started to enter. Adrien is the first through the door and headed to his locker; the rest of the class followed suit, opening them to find Marinette's invitations.

Upon their entrance, Marinette noticed her friends were wearing their miraculouses. Kim and Max were both wearing their in camouflage mode, so were Alya and Nino. They all open their lockers and started getting ready for class but noticed their notes on the shelf within the locker. Marinette sees the surprised expressions of her friends, hopeful they wont freak out upon site. She turned back to her own locker and started grabbing her books.

Alya looked around for anyone looking at her before looking down at her shirt pocket where Trixx was hiding. "Hey, Trixx what's this about?" she whispered to the little fox.

Trixx looked up at her owner, thinking for a moment. "I know Ladybug wanted to bring you all together for a meeting so you guys could go over a plan to defeat Hawk Moth and for taking care of us Kwamis."

Alya looks at the invitation and then opens it, skimming its contents.

Dear Rena Rouge,

Please come to the Grand Palais on Friday at 10PM. Come as your miraculous persona and bring food for your kwami. Upon this meeting, you as well as your companions will be able to ask one question to both Cat Noir and myself. The rules of this asking are this: you will come up to us and whisper your question to us, then myself or Cat Noir will give you a wink for No and silence means Yes. Please keep your expression neutral if your answer is yes.



Alya knew that none of this would be able to put on her Ladyblog, but it was worth it since Ladybug has given her the chance to be part of her team. Alya smiles and puts the invite in her bag. "It is so on," she thought. She smirked as she walked to her first class, waiting for her best friend to be late again.

Nino was bopping to his headphones as he opened his locker, the books inside came tumbling to the floor and the invite landed on top of the pile. Nino bends down to grab his books from the floor, and upon seeing the green envelope, quickly cleans up the mess. He grabbed the note and his books for his first class, then headed to the classroom, sitting down in his seat.

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