Chapter 6 - You Can't Change Your Fate

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You chose "Yes."


I took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, fine. We'll go with your plan - not because it's a good plan, but because we might not get the chance again." He smiled, but I shot him a warning glare. "But Blix, I swear to the fucking uprooted Tree of Life, if we get caught and we die, it's a hundred per cent your fault and I'm fully blaming you in the afterlife."

He shrugged. "Fair enough."

And so we climbed through the hole, with Blixer leading the way. It wasn't a long trip, but it was tricky as the path became more and more vertical the farther we went. But soon enough, we found ourselves poking our heads out of a large cracked hole on the floor of a very dark and cold room.

Without hesitation, Blixer clambered out first and I followed him closely. He wordlessly searched around in the darkness, and I flinched and shielded my eyes as the small room was suddenly showered in a warm pink light. When I adjusted my eyes, Blixer was standing next to an open doorway, smiling.

"C'mon," he said as he nodded his head at the doorway, urging me to come out. I obliged, and we both stepped into the light.

Holy shit.

We had stepped into a vast pink hallway, and although the pink was painful to the eye, I could admit that the area was absolutely beautiful. The marble floors shone as it reflected the light from the row of pink candles lined on the clean, polished cream pink walls. Granite pillars tinted in pink towered all the way up to the dizzyingly high ceiling. Long velvet carpets and blinds with dark pink tassels covered the middle of the floor and the windows with shining pink window panes, contrasting to the light pink of the walls and adding to the beauty of the scene. It truly looked like the sort of hallway you'd expect to see in a king's royal castle, and I was frozen in awe.

I had never been inside the ruler of Corruption's castle before, and this was probably luxury beyond anything I could ever have imagined.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Blixer whispered, and I quietly agreed, nodding as I continued staring around like I was hypnotized. "Makes you wanna live here. Wait till you see the bedrooms."

We both gave a short laugh before continuing to walk (Blixer had carefully closed the door again, of course). We immediately assumed that, if we wanted to go to the highest floor, our goal was to find the staircases. Despite the sheer size of the rooms, the interior was like a maze; full of doors, hallways, and dead ends. We both had gone around in circles in the same chain of rooms twice and bumped into at least five dead ends. But the eeriest thing of all, the hallways were all completely deserted.

No guards, no stray Corrupted, no Fresh, just... emptiness. Pure silence, only the sounds of our ragged, tired breaths and the pounding heartbeat in our ears. It almost felt haunted, even. And of course, I always had the horrible feeling that we were being watched...

We would always find the stairs, even if it took us fifteen minutes each floor. By the time we finally reached the top of a particular staircase, we were panting and gasping for breath, sweat trickling down our foreheads and legs screaming in protest after climbing countless stairs. But Blixer declared triumphantly: "We made it!"

I grinned. The top floor, if anything, was much larger than the previous floors down below. Or maybe it was the exact same size, except there were no confusing hallways or rooms. It didn't fail to keep its royal and expensive look, but something about this floor felt a lot more ominous than before. On one corner stood a stone staircase with a trapdoor on the ceiling above it, and I assumed that it led to the roof.

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