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Landon followed Milly's directions on a narrow dirt path into the woods. It wasn't long before the car came to a stop in a big empty field. Milly jumped out the sun roof of the car and stared rubbing on the bark of a tree.

Why there's an empty field in the middle of the woods? I'm not sure exactly.

"Hmm" Milly inhaled "the fresh out doors, been a while since I seen these long things that come out of the ground" she smiled.

"A tree?" I asked.

"Bingo" she gave my the finger guns.

"So this is obvious going to be fun and all but where do we sleep?" Miles asked as he stepped out the car.

"Don't worry Gum Drop, Milly has that covered" Seth says as he jumps out of the car, his hand instinctively resting of Miles's hip.

"What kind of nickname is 'Gum Drop'?" Landon gets out the car, Iris following suit.

"What kind of nickname is 'Strawberry'?" Seth and Milly both ask Landon.

Landon and I make eye contact for only a split second. My eyes fall to the ground, trying to avoid anymore embarrassment.

"At least 'Berry' and 'Strawberry' have some relation to each other" Landon crosses his arms.

"Enough fighting, I want to do something fun" Iris rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh full of boredom.

"There's a water fall a little ways away from here" Milly says as she looks down at her phone. "Just follow that path right there, it shouldn't even take that long, I'll join you guys once I get the tents and everything set up" she says, pointing to a path that leads back into the woods.

"You need any help sis?" Landon asks.

"No sir" she smiles.


"'There's a water fall a little ways away' she said. 'it shouldn't even take that long' she said" Iris mimicked Milly.

"Calm down Iris, we've literally been walking for 2 minutes" Miles rolled his eyes.

"Miles, you've been on my back ever since we started on the path" Seth corrected him.

"Same difference" he laid his head on Seth's shoulder.

"We can hear the water fall anyway so calm down" I say as I look around at all the nature.

Iris started falling backwards to look at us. "Well either way this is getting tir-"

"Iris!" I yelped

The lower half of her body dangling from cliff. My hands clutching onto her wrists being the only thing holding her up at this point.

"Shit" I could hear Seth whisper in amazement.

"Can I get some help here!" I hissed as my shoes started to slip from they're place in the dirt.

Arms quickly wrapped themselves around my waist and started pulling backwards. Iris was finally pulled all the way back onto the cliff. She sat there breathing heavily.

"Thank yo-" I turned to see Landon standing behind me, his hands lingering on my hips. "T-thanks Landon" I scratched the back of my neck.

"No problem-"

"Seth!" Miles's yelling cut Landon off. "Iris was falling and you weren't gonna help her!" He yelled more as his fists pounded down onto Seth's back, not effecting him in the slightest.

"Sorry but would you look at that" Seth pointed to the beautiful waterfall 2 yards from us.

"Bitch" Iris breathed out as she shaking pushed herself up from the ground. "You didn't help save me to look at some damn waterfall?" She says angrily.

"You didn't specifically ask for my help" he shrugged.

"Maybe you should lay off the chocolate cake" Miles giggle a little as he climbed down from Seth's back.

"Oh shut up" Iris rolled her eyes.

"Let's leave our clothes that we're not swimming in up here" Landon suggested, his hand still on my waist.

"What for?" Miles asks.

"Welp the lake is right there so why not jump in from here" he says.

"No thanks, y'all can commit die while I sit up here at watch" she says as she takes off her shorts and shirt, revealing a baby pink one piece.

"Then why'd you get undressed?" I asked.

"To take pictures duh" she says as she takes her phone from her shorts.

"Suit yourself" Seth says as he pulls off his shirt causing Miles to do the same.

I cleared my throat and Landon's hand immediately left my waist as he uttered a quiet "sorry". I pulled off my shirt then stood by the edge, Miles standing by my side.

"I'll be damned if I jump down there" he whispers as he looks down at the seemingly endless fall.

"Maybe we should stay up here with Iris" I whispered back.

He turned around "hey Iris we're gonna stay up here with yo-"

A high pitched scream and a "yahoooo" was let out as Seth tackled Miles over the edge of the cliff. I watched as they both plunged under the water, their screams quickly coming to a halt. A few seconds passed before they're heads both popped out the the water.

"I'm gonna kill you Lawson!" Miles screaming Seth's name sounded so far away from where I stood.

"It's only about 7ft chill babe" Seth laughed.

A smile spread across my face but was quickly scared away once Landon suddenly appeared next to me.

"Don't worry Berry, I not gonna push you nor do you have to go if you don't want to" Landon gave me a caring smile.

I returned the smile as I interlocked our fingers. His eyes shot down to my fingers then back up to me. I stood on my tippy toes then got inches away from his face.

"I'm not a bottom Landon" I smirked as I jumped from the cliff, yanking him off with me.

It was like a scene from a romance movie. Everything was happening in slow motion. His smile caused those butterflies in my stomach to stir up, like they use to back in high school. Except I'm not in a romance movie and this story won't end with some kind of puppy dog love.

Not this shit again...PleaseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin