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"Miles, I'm back!" I yell as I enter the dorm, getting no response back.

He must be studying or something.

I walk over to the counter and put the bag of chocolate cake down on the counter.

"Milly told me Iris went out so I brought her cake back here, don't eat it" I continued talking, hoping he hears me.

I could hear movements from inside the room but he still didn't come out.

I stood there tapping my fingers on the counter waiting for him to come out here or say something. Miles doesn't normally listen to music in his headphones, it's normally connected to his pineapple speaker. Musics blazing throughout the whole dormitory. I'm surprised no one has told him to turn it off yet.

But that's the thing. His music isn't blazing throughout the dormitory. There is no music playing at all.

I walked into the room to see Iris and Miles laid out on my bed. Chocolate cake already in they're mouths.

"Well I'm glad you're back home safely Berry" Iris says, all the chocolate in her mouth showing. "Since you bought more chocolate cake I might as well go get it now, wouldn't want it to go to waste now would we?" she quickly hopped up and ran into the kitchen not giving me a chance to answer her question that obviously didn't need an answer.

"Why on my bed?" I sighed out exhausted. "Just why?" I lazily threw my bag to the my side of the room.

"Because my bed has papers all over it" I looked over to his bed to see a single sheet of paper laying there.

I look back over to him giving him that "really" look. I yank the paper off his bed then dive under the blankets. I fought with bags of chips for space until my foot caught hold of something silky.

"Hey Miles" I say as poke my head out the blankets finally getting a good look at the silk as I pulled it into the light.

"Yes?" He looks back over at me as Iris bring the cake into the room.

"Who the fuck owns silky laced underwear" I flung them into the middle of the floor.

"Someone who likes looking at the underwear, Seth bought them for me" he chirped out happily.

"Wow, those are actually cute" Iris says as she walks into the room, more cake in her mouth. "Oh and their here" she says as she hurriedly kicks the underwear under Miles bed.

"Alright gays" our heads all shoot over to the doorway to see Milly, Seth, and Landon standing there. "They just announced that tomorrow classes are canceled because some idiot fucked up all the classrooms with green paint" Milly says with a cheery tone.

"Why not just wash it off?" Iris asks as she plops down onto my bed.

"Because that idiot also got paint on the lesson plans and on the teachers computers. They're trying to recover the losses data right now so it might take at least three to four days" Seth leaned against the wall.

"What does this have to do with us" I sat up from Miles's bed.

"We gotta do something fun or we'd just be wasting our college life away" Milly says.

"I honestly forgot we're in college" Landon looked at the ground.

We all looked at him with a bitch for real look. He surged then looked back to Milly.

"Anyway" she slowly turned away from Landon. "Let's go camping" she says bouncing.

"Uh how about no" Miles sassed a little.

"Why not?" Iris came to Milly's defense.

"Is it because we're Miles away from the woods" Seth chuckled.

"Not funny. Didn't laugh" Miles says with rolling his eyes at Seth.

"Actually we are miles away from the woods plus we're not allowed off campus incase you guys didn't read the rule book" I plopped back down onto the bed.

"He does have a point Milly" Landon scratched the back of his neck.


"Into the car, into the car, into the car!" Milly yelled at us as we piled into a matt black 2016 Jeep Wrangler.

"Hey! Get back here this instant!" A teacher and a guard yelled as they ran after us.

"Start the car Landon!" Milly yelled as she they her bag into the backseat, hitting Seth's chest.

"I'm trying!" Landon yelled back as he fumbled with the keys.

"Give me those!" Iris hissed as she leaned into the front seat.

She snatched the keys from Landon's hands then shoved it into the hole. She turned the keys, starting the car, then put the car in drive.

"Get out of this car right now!" The guard started hitting the driver side window.

"Shit!" Landon yelled as he pressed on the gas causing Iris to fly into the backseat.

"Wonder why they won't let us leave the campus, we're not high schoolers" Seth rolled his eyes.

"Remind me when we get back that I need to get my licenses" Milly breathed out as she looked at Landon.

"Milly I thought this is your car" I say as I start throwing the bags into the trunk of the car.

"It is" she looked back at me. "I just never thought about taking a driving test is all" she smiled.

"Remind me not to get in a car with you" Milled pointed at Milly.

"I'd gladly get in a car with Milly" Iris says as she looks at Miles even thought it was more so directed towards Milly.

I watched as Milly turned back to the front, some how biting her lip and smirking at the same time.

"Wait how long are we staying out here?" I popped up.

"Three or four days" Seth smirked.

"I only bought clothes for a day" I whined.

"It's okay Berry, I'm sure you could wear my brother's hoodie for two days longer" Milly smirked at me.

"Ha Ha you're so funny I'm dying" I rolled my eyes as I rested my head on the window.

"He probably won't need it though" Iris says, I looked at her. "Landon could keep him warm all the same" I let my eyes travel back to the window as I let out a loud sigh.

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