Chapter Twenty-Three - O'Neill Corporation

Start from the beginning

I nod my head before looking back up and out the windshield.

"Ana..." I say.


"My name is Ana, you can call me Ana. There is no need to be overly polite, makes me feel old.".

I hear him chuckle. "My name is Kyle..." he replies. "Nice to meet you, Ana.".


"Kyle, I just wanted to ask you if we could stop by a coffee shop. I know how stupid this sounds, but... Mister O'Neill does not like when someone does not bring him his coffee... and that someone being me," I say and in reply, I get some manly, amused snickers from him.

"That will be no problem. I guess a cup of coffee for myself would come in handy.".

Minutes pass before we turn into a half-empty parking lot by Starbucks.

He speaks into his radio before turning off the vehicle and getting out of the car. He locks his cab once I am out and that is when we began making our way towards Starbucks.

"So what coffee does Mr O'Neill prefer?".

"He loves his triple shot espressos with a bit of sugar and a slight tint of milk.".

He seems surprised. Reminds me of me when I first found out what coffee he prefers.

"Honestly, I am not surprised..." he begins, "a strong coffee for a busy boss like him...".

"Yup..." I agree. "Thankfully I don't have a profession as stressful as his.".

"And... what drink does Ms O'Neill like?".

I strike a look at his smug face. H-how...

"How do you know?...".

"Firstly and I think it is the most obvious clue, you live in the same house. Also, don't get fooled, Los Angeles looks huge, colossal in fact. That does not stop the word spreading that 'James O'Neill, the CEO of the biggest airline manufacturing company has a new girlfriend' like wildfire.".

"Right..." I reply, feeling dumbfounded.

We enter the Cafe and head towards the tills to order. I am the first to order followed by Kyle.

Once we both get out orders and pay, we head back to Kyle's cab. Once we both enter the vehicle, he starts up the engine before continuing our way to James's building.

Within minutes, we come to a halt by a giant building which is James's building for definite.

"Well, this is it, Ms O'Neill. Thank you for being such a great sport," he says, with a big smile patched on his lips.

"Please, as I said, Ana will do and you are very welcome. Thank you for the ride. How much do I have to pay you?".

"Well, the ride is altogether 30 bucks, but because of the small stop and because you manage to brighten my day, I'll charge you a 10," he replies.

"No please, take the 30, use it for the petrol at least, please.".

He looks at me, hesitating. "Ana, are you sure? Others would be amazed by the deal and would gladly accept it.".

I smile at him. "Well, I am different.".

"Thank you so much, Ana. I owe you one." He replies with an even bigger smile.

I exit the cab with the two cups filled with coffee in my hand.

"Thank you once again, Kyle. See you soon!!".

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