It had been far too long. I think part of me had already accepted the fact that he was never going to want me, but it still hurt no matter what. It hurt even more to know that I was not just going to lose my mate, but also my best friend.

The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. 

Sniffling, I quickly wiped off my tears and took a deep breath. Even if Adri was my other half, I still had one half of myself and I wasn't about to give up on this half.

With determination in my steps, I found my way back to class.

Even though I said that, it was easier said than done. My mind was a stubborn little thing. It kept reminding me of him, his gentle smile, his warm hug, his messy hair, the way he runs his fingers through his hair, the way he laughs, the way he talks, the way he walks. The list could go on and on but I would only go insane. 

Keeping myself busy, I tried my best to listen to the lecture while making notes so as to keep my mind off of him. It was effective... until the bell rang. It was probably the first time I enjoyed school this much. 

Heaving a defeated sigh, I put the heavy textbooks back into my locker. What was I going to do? All I wanted to do was to scream and shout to get rid of all the frustrations that had been hiding within me for so long.

Hey girl, Eric just told us to help him fetch Lily so we gotta hurry. Chase's voice interrupted my thoughts.

Got it, on my way. I quickly told him. Maybe spending time with Chase and Lily could keep me from thinking about him. 

Stepping out of the school, I welcomed the sunlight that hit my bare skin, warming me to my toes. Smiling slightly, I was about to walk towards Chase's car when I spotted something at the corner of my eyes. 

More like someone, two people to be exact. The last two people I would expect to be talking to each other.

Daryl and Darlene.

Both of them seemed to be smiling and talking animatedly about something. Something was off right here. I had to warn Dar about it. But before I could do that, Chase reminded me to hurry up because Lily was already waiting.

Taking a last look at them, I promised myself that I would talk to Dar when we got home before hurrying towards Chase's car.

"So have you talked to A yet?" Chase asked while I fastened my seat belt.

"No," I sighed, unsure whether I should tell him what happened during lunch.

"What's up?" He asked, noticing my frown.

"Some... things just happened during lunch." I explained.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

And that was how I told him everything that happened.

I could tell Chase didn't approve of what Adri did but he only sighed. "Don't worry Belle, I'll talk to him. That was overboard and I'm sure even he would have regretted it. Hang in there Belle."

I smiled at his encouragement. I wanted to tell him about Dar too but eventually though better of it. It would be best if it came from Dar herself.

It was a short 5 minutes trip to Lily's school. And when we reached there, she was sitting on the steps waiting patiently for us. 

"Hey Chase, hey Belle!" she greeted us as she got onto the backseat of Chase's car.

"Hey!" We responded. 

"So how was school, little sis?" I looked over my shoulder while I asked.

"It was okay," She replied with a short answer. She was smiling, yes, but I could tell right through it that the smile was forced. 

The Beauty And The Alpha-Beast (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now