isn't she just a tier 1?

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"She wouldn't be waiting through it, she would most likely help train as well." Seungmin chuckles at the thought of Dae's kind antics.

Their eyes widened. "Is she healthy enough to train?"

"Just a broken nose and a few bruises. She has definitely experienced worse, and she will most likely ignore your requests if you tell her she shouldn't train. She'll be fine. Anyways, I'll be going now, thank you for watching her."

"Sir! Seungmin!" The students called before he got his foot out the door. "We have some questions."

Seungmin rolled his eyes, not really caring, but wanting to seem like he did. "Don't you have a class to attend to?" He retorted.

"Please!" they begged, not wanted to waste this moment talking to someone they'll probably never encounter again.

"You're allowed 5 questions," He stated shortly.

Everyone in the class raised their hands. Seungmin randomly chose.

"What truly happened with Dae?"

"Someone tried to expose Dae, succeeded in taking her down, but failed in everything else."

Another hand.

"Dae's backstory?"

"Adopted at age 3 from an attempted suicide murder? Hard to explain. Raised by us since then."

Another hand.

"Is Dae single?"

"Yes, and she will be for a while. No more Dae questions."

Another hand.

"You might not be able to answer this, but, how do you rank up?"

"Finally something actually useful for you tier fives. Basically, end of semester evaluations in each of your classes, top 20 rank up. For tier 1s top 3 become certified substitutes, then debut as an actual mafia group. But if you have a mafia group planned out, you can continue to serve as a substitute until most if not all your planned group is promoted. Last question then I'm visiting my fucking daughter."

"Is everyone in Stray Kids this attractive?"

"You are going to find yourself face to face with them and a gun against your head if you continue to be so bold. Goodbye now." He answered bluntly.

The bell rang to signal the end of the day, Dae realizing it was time to depart, took a deep breath and turned her head towards Chan, the person whose lap she was seated on. He paused his movements of playing with her hair as she lifted herself from his lap.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, but if you really aren't feeling okay with Twice, call us. We'll pick you up as soon as our job is done."

"What are you even doing?" Dae questions.

"That's for you to not know," Chan said, making it known that he was not telling her, no matter how hard she tried.

After finishing her farewells, Dae made her way to the tier 5 classroom to see one of her favorite girl groups.

She lightly tapped on the door, hearing speaking, and didn't want to interfere.

"Come in, Dae!" She believes Chaeyoung shouted from the other side.

She grips her backpack and opens the door.

About 10-15 tier 5 members were practicing, but froze when they saw Dae, who quickly blushed at the attention.

"She's even prettier in person" She heard one of the students mumble to another classmate, and her face lit up.

"Hi, Dae!" Dahyun and Chaeyoung exclaimed, synchronized together.

"Uh-hi." She stammered. "What's going on, it's after school hours?"

"Extra training."

"Oh! I can help!" Dae's voice lifted, forming into one full of excitement and energy.

"Seungmin was right," The 2 girls giggled.

"Right about what?" Dae asked, confused.

"Nothing," they replied quickly.

Dae set her stuff on a desk and moved to stand by the two teachers.

"I'm sorry, Ms. but, Dae is teaching? Isn't she just a tier 1?" One of the students asked.

"If you want something to compare her skill, she easily took out Han and Changbin of 3racha." Dahyun publicized

"Easily??" The students expressed.

"Uh, yeah. I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty advanced in combat. Not that I would use that against those that aren't, but nonetheless, it's something I'm good at. Now, what are we reviewing here?"

"Powerful kicking." the teachers answered.

"Okay" Dae replied slowly. "Are we practicing on people or those dummies over there?"


"Is it alright if I take control for like 5 minutes?"

"Dae I trust your teaching more than mine. Go ahead."

"Alright, thank you. One of you show me a kick on me."

"On you?" the students gawked.

"I can't test how painful your kicks are on a dummy. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

One student came up to her, looking at her in a way that asked for permission. Dae simply nodded.

The young student lifted her foot, spinning herself, and projected her foot towards Dae's head. Dae quickly caught it holding their foot, before slightly tossing it towards the floor.

"Projection was quite nice for tier 5. Obviously, if I hadn't had caught it, it would've hit me, so good job. But kicks need to be strong, this would've just made my nose bleed if contacted. Kicks need to knock someone out on full impact or render them unstable for a short while. Even a few seconds could save you or another's life."

"How would you properly kick to achieve that?" The student added.

Dae walked up to the dummy, preparing herself to kick. Then like that, a sound of impact, signaling she struck, knocking the heavy dummy over with ease.

"All you need is agility and force. For people who don't have much strength lower body-wise, literally shove all your force down there and hit them with no regrets. If you hesitate, you are going to die."

After about another hour of Chaeyoung and Dahyun watching Dae in amazement as she managed to teach 20 students to almost perfectly knock out an opponent. They decided it was time to go home.

As soon as Dae left Stray Kids' classroom, they jumped to their feet, ready to "talk" to Siwoo. Jisung was excited he could finally do his official job of torture because he doesn't get to do it much anymore.

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