4: recovery

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We were heading to find Severus with the letter in hand, when we spot him walking into a club.

Rose grabs my hand dragging me with her as she ran into the club looking for Severus.
Rose gasps lightly and turns pushing me out of the club, "Er...I found him. Wait out here I'll get him and explain everything!"

"No! I want to be there!" She looks at me sadly before continuing to shove me out. She turns to the guard at the entrance.

"Can you be sure he stays out until I return?" The huge guy nods in agreement and steps in front of the door blocking my way...


--roses pov

I run back into the club dodging grasping hands and once again spot Severus... who was sitting on a guy's lap that was grinding against him.

I walk right up to him and yank him off the guy dragging him into a corner. "HOW COULD YOU!" I screech into his ear. I flinch as a guy comes up behind me putting his hand on my waste.

I try to pull away from him and I smell the alcohol on his breath when he breaths in my sent...but he just pulls me closer whispering in my ear,
"Hey little lady..."

I see a flash of movement in front of me, and next thing I know Severus has the guy pinned to the floor cutting off his air circulation.
"That little lady, doesn't want you to touch her...I suggest you don't." He hisses to the man.

The man pushes him aside and clutches his throat trying to breath again.
"How- how do you know what she wants?"

With surprising strength Severus punches the guy in the face busting open his knuckles. While the guy stumbles around he grabs my hand taking me to a door. "C'mon there's a back exit here!"

We exit the building both if us breathing heavy, "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you right?!"

I smile sadly at him and take out my wand. Forget the rules, I preform a quick spell and fix his hand. "I'm fine really, thank you."

He nods slightly, "what were you even doing in there, it's dangerous!?"
"Well...you left before reading this.."

He takes the letter and sees it's to James. "That's not for me?"
I look at him pointedly and he opens the letter..

Dear James

You are your mother's child. You are my child. And until you are of age Wich mind me isn't for a few months, and even then, I don't care about the stupid blood line. Pure blood half blood no blood. I don't care and nor does your mother...but one thing I will not allow is for my son to be gay! That boy your dating will ruin you, don't you see that? He's no good for you and until you end it with him you are no longer our son, you have no place here anymore.
Break it off and after Hogwarts you can come home.
         Best wishes- mother &    father

Severus closes the letter slowly, and looks at me.
"Your saying...that...he ended it...because he had to..?"

I pull him to the front of the building to see James still standing there awkwardly. "Wait why did you get me, and not James?" He whispers.
"Yeah...but I saw you on that guy so before James saw I made him leave."
Severus looks sheepish for a moment and hangs his head.

James shouts wrapping the boy in a breath taking hug.

"James, I'm so-"
"Sshh...its fine..we can find a way past this."

I awkwardly stand there a few feet away not wanting to interrupt. . .but movement to the left catches my eye and I turn to see what it was.

The same guy from before was coming out of the door eyes locked on me. He starts walking towards my area quickly, with my heart racing I yank on Severus's sleeve getting his attention.

"Sev..can we go...now?!"
He follows my gaze to the man drawing nearer and nods quickly taking the hand of a confused looking James. We walk to a nearby tree that's just across the street and apparate to hogsmead.

But as we are aparating I see a glance at the guy...holding a wand? Was he a wizard?


"Sirius! Wait for meeee!"
I said when he saw his brother and ran over.

"Hurry up moony!"

Sirius goes up to regulas and hands him the fanfiction that cat had made.
When he looks at the cover is when I finally catch up, I stop right next to Sirius our arms brushing slightly.

"What do I do with this?"
Regulas asks us.

"A seventh year Hufflepuff lost it, could you give it back to her?"

He looks confused but  pockets the pad of paper and walks off without saying bye.

Well...that was rude.. I think as Sirius and I head to the commen room.
"C'mon moony, James, sev Lily and Rose will be here tomorrow we should plan an epic prank as always!"

"Hm yeah but it has to be better then last year's. That was a nightmare!"

"Hah, it wasn't that bad just had cotton candy stuck in our ears for weeks." At this I laugh to the point we're I nearly fall...but Sirius catches me our faces just inches apart, his got breath mingling with mine.

"Remus...." He breaths slowly..

"Well, well well. Isn't This romantic boys! Sorry to interrupt but we have some business to attend to."

Wooooo ya next chapter coming soon!! Enjoy!!

PS the next upcoming chapter will be dedicated to cathasarrived
ention a user
For her amazing ideas that will be in the next chapter!!

966 words <3

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