2. St mungos

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"LILY!" I shout when I get pushed aside to see her get crushed under a ton of bricks.

People were running and screaming while weird beings in masks blew up more and more buildings.

As quickly as the chaos began it had ended. With a blue tornado like swirl of smoke the masked people were gone leaving destruction in their wake.

Luckily we were wizards so it really wasn't so bad. Many people were working together to fix diagonally with the reparo spell. Quickly I take out my wand to move the brick off of Lily. "Windgardium leviosa!"

A few Hogwarts students come over to help and when its all moved we see Lily unmoving and bleeding from her head. "Lily...?!". 

All around me whispers start up.
"St mungo's."
"Is she dead?"
"Did you see those masks?"

"Take her to at mungo's!".  And elderly man says to us before apperating away.

I put a light weight charm on her before picking her up, parting through the crowded area.


Upon entering st' mungo's I call Severus and Rose.
"WHERE IS SHE!" Rose shouts with Severus following behind her.

She approaches the bed that contains Lily and breaks down. "W-w-what happened t-to her...?" At this moment a nurse came in with a series of potions. "I have good news and bad news..." The nurse said gravely.

Marilyn pov (roses mom)

I sit at the table reading the daily profit.

Attacks on diagin alley?
Odd people in masks were spotted at the time of the attck with several reports of them being the reason for the destruction.
Minor injuries were obtained and mostly healed however one young girl was crushed due to saving her friend. One account says "oh it was simply devastating! She saw the building falling and Lily evens shoved the boy out of harm's way! It's no wonder she was out in Gryffindor."
For more information on Lily evens condition turn to page 4.

For a sneak peek at wedding soon coming up turn to page 7.

Lawful discretion? Page 2

Lily? Well then maybe this will allow Rose to see that being around her is to much danger. I turn to page 7 just to be sure word of Rose and Lily's wedding hasn't been released. If Rose doesn't end it with Lily before the profit finds out...the child is non of mine....

Page 4
Lily evens condition:

Lily evens student at Hogwarts for her last make up year has been in at mungo's for approximately 5 hours in critical condition. It is rumored that she is in a coma unknown when she will wake. We have asked a member of the staff and they say she could be awake within days wekks or months but what she will be like after is still under question.
Updates will be posted regularly on the girls condition.
We all wish her well.

I scoff while reading that, there's no way she will wake up after being crushed by that much rubble and bricks. This although obviously not anything to do with the dark lord has hopefully cleared my family of any trouble with my daughter marrying a mudblood. A girl  mudblood... Such a disgrace to the family line... Remind me to thank the people that did this causing Lily to be in a 'coma'. I think to myself laughing loudly.

Roses pov.

A coma....I can't believe it...and that was the good news? It's been nearly 5 hours and it's already in the profit but the nurse ad to leave before telling us the bad news. I hate this...I had to break it off with her and I got her letter, (she really is a genius!) But who would we even get with besides each other until we were of age? How would we ever get back together if the nurse was wrong and Lily doesn't wake up?! I start to hyperventilate James and Severus seeing this try to comfort me.

"Hey it's ok it's ok! She said that Lily would eventually wake up!" James said while Severus hugged me and I cried into his chest staining his shirt with tears. Although he didn't seem to mind.   I slightly nod as the nurse comes back in. 

"So she will wake up. And it is unknown when but...there is a chance that when she does wake up for a week or even a month she may not remember you guys...and alot can change in that time so you will need to keep with her to be sure she stays as herself before the incident. But be careful when trying to help her remember she may pan!c."

The nurse leaves us to process the information that was just given. I only  stared in shock. How could this be happening.....

Gerald pov (James dad)

"Look honey I just don't think he should be with a guy!" I said to my wife.
She gives me a glare.

"I don't either but there's nothing we can do! I don't care about the pure. Blood line like our parents did but I will not tolerate him being gay! As is people already know they are dating after that Lily girl handcuffed them together!"

"What if we write to him saying if. He doesn't end it and be with a girl then we will hurt Snape?"

"No no, he knows we wouldn't do that. But what if we threatened to disown him?"

I think for a moment that could work but he would just go stay at Remus or Sirius's... however he's never been the brightest an dis always wanting to please us. It may work.
"It's worth a try."

My wife leaves for work at the ministry while I finish up the letter.

" Bluewidge!" I call to my owl. She really is a beautiful bird with her white feathers that fade into a baby blue silk like color.

She clasps the letter into her sharp talons before flying off.

James pov

I read a letter that was just brought to me while Severus continued to hug rose who had finally slowed the crying.

"Severus we need to talk..."

Ahhhh sorry for the cliff hanger!!! And for taking so long to update just alot going on u know. Sorry for any spelling mistakes thanks for reading!
I'll update soon!

What do you think of James and roses parents?

What do you think will happen to Lily?

What was In James letter and how will he tell Snape?!?!!!!

1090 words!!!

(Handcuffed Sequel) Now or always togetherDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora