3: secret secrets

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severus we need to talk.... I say quietly to the boy.
Severus looked up at my worried face and immediately looked scared.

"Is... everything okay?" He asks but without getting an answer pics up rose setting her on the bed next to Lily before coming over to me.

Not wanting Rose to hear this go down, I take his hand and lead him out into the Hall of the hospital.
"Sev....I... You may want to sit down for this..I know I need to."

At these words he looks even more scared then before and sits down against the wall and I join him silently. I take his hand in mine before sucking it up and saying it.

"Sev..love..we cant..we cant see each other anymore.." He looks at me a moment in confusion.

"What do you mean we can't see each other anymore..?" He says slowly clutching my hand so tight it's cutting off my blood flow.

"I mean... we're over..but just let me expla-'
He jerks his hand from mine before standing up quickly.

He has tears streaming down his face as he starts walking away." There's nothing to explain.." At this he starts running towards the exit without even looking back. The last thing I see of him is his robes billowing behind him.

I lean my head against the wall behind me and before I know it I'm sobbing until I can barely breath.
I can tell mediwitches are walking past but this must be a regular occurrence because none of them stop to see if I need help....

I recognize the presence of someone next to me against the wall, I pray for it to be Severus but part of me knows it's not.

"James...what happened? Where's Severus?"

I look her in the eyes- well as best I can since I can barely see her through all the tears. Unavle to say anything I show her the letter while I compose myself.
She reads over the letter gaspsing softly.

"Oh James...did he not understand?"

I squeeze my eyes shut tightly before speaking, "I didn't show him the letter, he ran off to fast.."

With the letter still in her hand she grabs her cloak and turns to walk away.

"Wait! Wait! Where are you going?!"

"We are going to find Severus. I have a plan I'm sure Lily will agree....if..no she will remember.."

Tears start littering her eyes so I quickly stand up taking her hand as we walk slowly to the exit, our thoughts focused on our loves.


Remus was walking me to the owlery of Hogwarts as we like many others came a but early when a girl came up to me, she was a bit shorter then me, had brown hair in a braid and bug round glasses like James's.
"Hey your the girl that graduated early! Wait why are you here?"

She looks at me nervously before answering. "W-well I decided to help out at the school this year and maybe even take some classes....and I heard Regulus cane back here for the way extra year...d-do you know where he's at?"

I never understood how she kept her hair always in a perfect braid...."ow!" I say as Remus elbows me in the side.

"Oh! Your only a year younger then him right? So your a seventh year then? ...and no, I haven't seen him."

She looks disappointed but it quickly fades into a smile.
"Well I would be a seventh year, but I graduated early! So I was offered a chance for extra credits if I did some more classes, now I'm back!"
She says starting to tap her cheek with her finger.

She turns to leave when I don't say anything, "wait- wait what's your name? If I see him I'll let him know your looking for him."

Her cheeks flush with color and she taps her cheek even faster then before. "No! I...I mean that's alright. You don't need to tell him, but my names Cat Susans."

She skips away but as she leaves she drops a small pad of paper, since she doesn't notice it Remus picks it up looking at the title.

He asks turning to me holding up the paper.

The true love of snames

Snames, the ship name of James and Severus Snape!
This fan fiction is created by cat susans!!! If found please return asap!!

"Wait...she wrote a fan fiction... Of James and Severus?"

Remus nods before taking the paper back.

"We have to show this to them!!" He says taking my hand.

Taking my hand. I blush lightly and he does the same quickly letting go of my hand. "S-sorry!"

I laugh it off taking the paper from him. "I have a better idea. Let's go find my brother. I get the feeling she's still looking for him."
I say, a mischievous gleam in my eye.

He looks confused a moment before shaking his head at my constant need for something to do.

"Alright let's go."

Hey ik this chapter may have been a but confusing? If u have any questions just leave a comment and I'll get back to u asap! <3
880 words!!
I'll update soon!

Uhhhhh phones being weird?? Sorry if this publishes more than once

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