Robbin's Pov

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I walk in to the living room and I see Kenny and Keanna hugged up on the couch. I swear they are the cutest couple. Keanna asked me where Sage was so I pouted toward the stairway where he and there parents followed.

Once we became comfortable there parents grabbed each other's hand and began to speak.

"As you all know we were kidnapped. We have been kidnapped for about a week. We wanted to contact you guys but there was no way too. They kidnapped us because as we told you earlier because we aren't actually poor. We are filthy rich. We own a bank in every state which is 50 banks. They are all named Maubry Mulah. We didn't tell you because we didn't want you to grow up like spoiled brats like your mom and I." Dad said

Wow I don't know what to say.." Sage said. ". Well right now you don't have to say anything, just process it. They stood and started walking toward the stair case. Mom turned around and asked, "When are we leaving?" "Tommorow" Sage replied. every body stood and gave each other a hug and headed upstairs.

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