Keanna POV

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We are watching our 2nd movie and everyone is knocked out. The only people awake is Kenny and I and I'm still teasing. I don't know why... Its just fun. Kenny is already forgiven. I can't stay mad at him for long over a petty argument. I got up and took our bowls in the kitchen. I grabbed A feather, a marker and whipped cream. PRANK TIME!!!

I walked back to the living room. I woke up Zykir since she wasn't all the way sleep and she's still new. Also so shs could watch because this is about to be funny. I went over to Hayden and began to draw on his face. Since I'm nice and good at art I drew a pretty design on his face although he may not think that its cute or funny. I quietly place the cap back on the marker. I grabbed my specialty not that I'm that good at it. I placed the whipped cream in his hand and wiggled the feather on his nose. He started twitching and instead of my plan working it backfired.

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