Kenny's pov

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I'm so happy I've talked to the girl of my dreams and I made An A on my math test. It's now the end of the day and I'm walking toward my car looking for Keanna and I suddenly spot her about to get on the bus.

I run over to her and pull her by her hand and say "I thought you was riding with me." She looks at me about to protest but I say "Dont even reject it, tou know you want to." She laughed and I slowly pull Keanna towards me and wrap my hand around her shoulder walking her to the passenger side.

She gets in and I pull over in the chili's parking lot and I look her in the eye and I began to speak.

Kenny- I have to get this off my chest... Keanna you a real chill person. I have known you since 5th grade just never had the courage to talk to you. You a real chill person and I like that about you. I love everything about you. *Sighs* Im glad you listened and I understand kf tou just want to be friends.

Keanna- I have like you too for a while. I would have never opened up like you just did which shows me how your pretty serious. Your cool and chill as well. As long as you commit and try not to hurt me Im good.

Kenny- So does that mean we are together?

Keanna- *Laughs* We just met today Kenny chill!

Kenny- But its bound to happen. Anyway are you hungry?

Keanna- I could eat.

Kenny- Then lets go.

I get out and jog to her door. I open it and we grab hands and walk inside. Lets just say We Smashed Big Time!

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