Kenny's Pov

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Hayden and I just finished our childish day so we are heading home. I get home and I text Keanna.

Text Convo

Kenny: Goodnight my lady<3

Keanna: Goodnight<3

After I texted her I decided to take a shower.

After I took the shower I put on some shorts and tee and some socks. I put moisturizer on my good thick hair. Yes, I do care about my hair. it has to stay luscious for Keanna. Duhhh

I am not sleepy so I decide to go to the kitchen and get a midnight snack. I grab some cheese itz and some orange juice. I quickly eat it and walk back up to my room. I turn on the TV and turn to Sponge Bob. Man people say Spongebob gay but I'm like yea he is gay. don't you see he is happy. Duhhhh

I've been spending a lot of time with Keanna because I'm starting to say things like duhh. but as long as I got my lady I'm good. I'm steal board because I already saw this particular sponge bob episode already this week. I decide to text Keanna to see if she is up. if she isn't she'll be mad but she will get over it.

Text convo

Kenny: You up Ma?

Keanna : yea I'm up wyd

Kenny: watching Spongebob

Keanna: you are watching a gay dude?

Kenny: yes, can't you see he is happy!!

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