"You'll know soon enough." Pansy said, glancing down at her wrist watch.

Hermione pulled experimentally against the ropes again, they wouldn't budge an iota. She would never have imagined that Pansy Parkinson would be so good at hostage taking.

Taking a slow breath she tried reasoning, wracking her mind to remember anything she had read about Veela mates.

"If Draco really is a Veela and I'm his mate he is going to do more than just hate you for this, Pansy."

Pansy laughed, bitterly.

"You don't even know the half of it yet, Granger. If he ever sees me again, he'll probably kill me." Tears slipped down her cheeks and she brushed them away carelessly with the back of her hand.

"Pansy," Hermione said nervously, "if you're trying to save Draco then let's go talk to him. I—I didn't know I was his mate. Now that I know—I'm willing to help. I want to help. There's no reason to resort to something this. Let's go talk to him."

Pansy looked sharply at Hermione.

"You think I'm crazy, don't you?" Pansy snorted. "I suppose it would seem that way to you."

She cocked her head to the side, staring at Hermione thoughtfully.

"Maybe I am a little crazy," she said. "But I hope someday you'll believe that I wouldn't be doing this if I felt like there were any other option. I've tried—" her voice cracked slightly. "There's no time left. This is my last chance. I'm not doing this to force you, Granger. I'm forcing him. This is the only thing I can think of that will make him give in before it's too late."

Pansy's voice was shaking as she finished speaking, she drew a sharp panting breath that sounded like a whimper.

Before Hermione could reply, a foreign wave of emotions welled up through her. They'd seemed to be growing fainter over the last few days, but a bolt of fury suddenly struck her like a wave. A moment later the building shook as if there had been an explosion.

Pansy stumbled slightly but seemed unsurprised.

"Right on time," she said looking at her watch again. "It takes about three minutes to get from the front door to this room."

Hermione couldn't hold back her panic as Pansy moved closer, her wand was gripped so tightly her knuckles were white. There was an expression of steely determination on her face.

"I really am sorry, Granger. I hope for both you and Draco that this works," she whispered in a shaky voice.

She cast a slicing hex down each of Hermione's upturned wrists. The cuts were deep and blood immediately welled up and started flowing from them. Before Hermione finished the cry that ripped itself from her lips Pansy cast a swift, practiced anti-coagulation charm.

"I'm sorry." Pansy whispered again and then reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a knife.

Hermione whimpered, trying futilely to pull away. Twisting her arms forcefully, trying to get the blood to lubricate her wrists enough to escape.

With a quick step forward, Pansy buried the knife into Hermione's stomach.

Hermione gasped and slumped down.

Stepping back, the knife dripping with blood, Pansy cast a nervous glance toward the door.

"I'm sorry. I hope you survive, Granger."

She reached into her pocket and, pulling out a portkey, vanished.

As Hermione stared at the empty space where Pansy had been, time seemed to stretch out.

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