Chapter 1: Jewels Background

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Jewel, Jewel Oakley. I have divorced parents. I wasn't always a big girl, But it started when our family separated. My dad made me eat things I didn't want to eat. I guess I've gotten fond of food. Very soon me and my sister Lillian reunited with our mom and our other sister Tasha, me and Lillian have different dad's from Tasha and Lisa. But Tasha is living with us with her daughter Oakland. I love my life so far, only thing is I wish I was thinner but I'm weighing in at 215 pounds and I'm 16 years old.

5:40 am
I hear my phone going off. My mom enters my room. "Jewel baby? Are you awake?" I hear her accent. Shes Black and Dominican, her mom was from the Dominican Republic and thats who she mostly grew up with. "Ma I don't wanna go to school today" I groaned. "Why not? Jewel your always missing school what are your grades looking like and why don't you ever wanna go? Are kids picking with yo-" "Ma! Im not getting picked on I just don't wanna go and here you can see my grades they're good." I unlocked my phone to pull up my grades. I then hand my phone to her, "See, look". She scrolls through and looks at them. "I don't like your chemistry grade! It going to drop, its a 70 bebita. You can go for that class and Ill call saying you can leave early ok?" I stare at her then look at the ceiling. "Ay! Sé que escuchas mi hablar contigo." (I know you hear me talking to you) When shes speaking to me in Spanish she is being very serious with me and shes 2 seconds from beating me and I need to respond and quick. "Ayyyyy mama, bien, Ill go to school. But swear you'll call and say I can leave" I turn to the side to look at her. She rolls her eyes and grabs my face and looks me in the eyes. "Bebita think about your future and what you want to do. Your a junior in highschool and you just turned 16 last week. I don't want you to be like me okay? I want you to try and go the whole day but if you still aren't feeling up to it I'll call." "Alright ma, te amo" She smiles back at me "Yo te quiero más" She gets up and turns my light back off and closes my door. Its now 5:43. I set another alarm for 7:00. School starts at 7:30 but since I'm only going to Chem class that starts at 9:30 I can wake up late.

"Who the hell is calling my phone?!" I look at the caller ID "Lydia🧡" pops up across it. "Hello?" "Perra! Where the fuck are youuu damn!" Lydia is hispanic and black too. We hated each other at first but when we both realized we were latina and there were barely any that she got along with we soon got along and now shes more like family. "Oops, bitch I forgot I was supposed to pick you up I'm coming late." "Ayyy bitch your lucky my bus hasn't come yet. But I really wanted starbuckkksss I was gonna pay for both of us!" I shot up "Hold up bitch, Ill be there in like 20 minutes". "Estúpida don't make us fucking late hurry the fuck up" I hang up on her and look through my closet to decide what im gonna wear. I get a pair of slightly ripped jeans a brown sweater and my brown uggs. I then go in my drawer and pull out a necklace and a pair of earrings, and then go in another drawer and pick out my black set of PINK underwear and the bra. I set them out and get undressed to get in the shower for like 5 minutes tops. I get out and oil myself down with rosé scented oil and spray the matching perfume on. I get dressed and sit down at my vanity to do my hair which I decided to slick back into a low bun and then I switched to my makeup which was just eyebrows, highlighter, mascara, and lipgloss. I hurried and grabbed my purse and my school bag and went to the kitchen, grabbed my keys off the hook, and an apple. It was 7:14. "Wow, I think that was the fastest I've ever gotten ready". I ran downstairs to the garage and saw my mom sitting down smoking her weed. " Can I have some?" She passed it to me and picked up her phone and I was taking a few hits. I began to feel a little more easy and relaxed. "Can you roll me up one real quick" She look at me knowing I need it but she takes the rello out of the packet and rolls up a blunt for me and puts it back in. "Thank you mama, bye I'm going to pick up Lydia. Are you showing houses today?" She kisses my cheek and opens the garage door "Yes. So if you want permission to leave just text me don't call. Which car are you taking" When I turned 16 my mom and my dad's side both got me a car. My Grandpa on my moms side is rich so they got me a Tesla. And my grandma and grandad on my dad's side kept it simple with a starter car and got me a Buick. "Im going to school mama so I'm taking the buick" "Ok bebita just making sure, have a good day and stay focused, Tell my baby Lydia I said hey" "Alright ma, BYEEE!" I get in and drive off while eating my apple. Lydia live 5 streets down from me so it took like 4 minutes to get to her house. I arrive and she's sitting in the porch chair waiting for me. She hops in and immediately gets loud. "HOLA PUTAAAA" "Shut the fuck up bitch damn, why are you so freaking loud" "I missed your thick ass so fucking muuuccchhhh" Lydia has been in Guatemala for 2 weeks visiting her dad's side of the family. "Mhm" I said as we were pulling in to Starbucks. "You sure haven't called me bitch" She rolls her eyes at me "You know I have bad service down there" "Good-morning welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you hun!" I off the bat knew it was my favorite lady there. " Hi Gladys, its me and Lydia, we want the usual." " Hey baby, is that all?" "Yes ma'am" Lydia pulls out her 20 we always give her $10 extra "Hi my babies, here are your drinks and y'all hurry up and get to school now, come by and talk to me girl I haven't been seeing you" She frowned "I knowww, ill come by Saturday. I was planning to study. Bye Gladys!" We hurry and get to school and across from me where I'm parked I see the 1 boy I always want to see every day. And I instantly get hella nervous.

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