Forever and That Day, Part One

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It was a normal day for Dave Strider. He had just come home from another boring day in high school. His best bro, John Egbert, was telling him about a cheesy movie he watched, but Dave's mind was elsewhere. All of a sudden, his phone vibrated. It was a text from one of his best friends, Jade Harley. "Hey Dave!", the message said. "Hey Harley", he replied. Jade. He loves her a lot. He wants to tell her, but he's afriad that she won't love him like he loves her. "Maybe I'll tell her tonight", he thought silently to himself. His lustings were interrupted when he got 3 more messages from Jade. They read, " Oh Dave, I just went to my therapist, and she put me on new meds.", and "Call me!! <3". Jade was struggling with emotional problems ever since she was little, and Dave tried to make every single day better for her. He dialed her number and the bubbly girl picked up. "Hey Dave!", Jade shouted into the phone. "Hey harley, what's up?", he said in his thick, Texan accent. "Oh nothing...", she then whispered, "can we go out for dinner tonight?". "Of course.", he replied. "Yay!!" Jade happily said. "I'll be ready whenever!". Dave hung up the phone. John said that he had to leave, so Dave had a couple of hours to himself to get ready. He got dressed in a nice suit. He called Jade. "I'm ready Jade. I'm coming to pick you up!!'. Jade replied, "Alright Dave, I'll see you in 5.".  She hung up the phone and let out a loud squeal. She had a crush on Dawuh since childhood. This was her moment to tell him how she felt, even if he didn't love her back. HONK HONK!! "That's Dave!!", she chuckled happily to herself while she went downstairs to go into the car. Dave walked out of the front seat and opened the door for Jade. "Oooh, what a gentleman!" Jade teased, sitting down. Dave closed the door and got into the drivers seat. Dave thought to himself, "damn, Jade looks hot tonight.". "You look so pretty!", he said to Jade as they drove. "Thanks Dave! You're quite handsome tonight too." They got to the restaurant and sat down at a table. The waitress came over and gave them menus. As they read the menus, Dave decided to tell Jade his feelings for her. "Hey Jade", he began, " I... really really like you.". "I like you too Dave!!", Jade said, looking confused as ever. "No Jade...I like you as more than a friend...I love you.", he grasped her hand across the table. "I love you too Dave...", Jade whispered. They giggled and Dave kissed her hand. They ordered food and talked for hours. 

Forever and a Day : a DaveJade fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now