9' The Devil...

62 9 17

"Hmm.....sweet....so sweet....painfully sweet, and beautiful... Mmmm.."

Yoongi had ducked his head down the entire time, tolerating the 'on-heat' devil inside.

"Can you just shut the fuck up! I hate you and your voice both!" Shutting his eyes out of frustration, Yoongi snapped gritting his teeth, as by now that lurking idiot already had too much of his patience.

But he just chuckled, "You think you can stop me? Pretty boy? Although I agree the girl's ass is fascinating to grip"

Yoongi understood that it was getting out of hand. Every moment he had Soojin's face appear in his mind, the devil won't hesitate to be summoned.

He smirked, "I will make sure I will make my body burn in fire if you don't-agh!

Yoongi got up with a sudden jerk his head automatically hit the cupboard in front.

"I ain't letting you die.. Nah nah! Not so soon! I am yet to get all the satisfaction that I need"

But the pain was too strong for him to listen to the devil. Although he heard it roughly, he couldn't react to it.

His head was bleeding from both the sides and was throbbing with acute agony.

The torture kept him away from everything that was going on around. The hit was rough and sudden, and just too painful, something that even words cannot describe.

He fell on the ground, heaving hard, internally praying for everything to end.

"Tsk tsk...just when you thought you were about to do something good..hah!"

Without a second warning again, he started slapping his own self, until his face was flushed red with his own palm impression.

Screams of agony bursted out the four walls asking the fate and the fortune to stop, but no one cared if such a stranger like him, or more like, a monster like him, died or kept starving.

Yeah, people can be this cruel..


"C'mon Jimin! Ring the bell!" A hesitant Jimin was pushed forward. He chimed, "Why-why don't you go!?"

"Ugh! You are an idiot! Out of the way!" She pushed him away and regaining her composure, she placed her hand, a few spaces away from the bell, her hand trembling. 

"Don't you think it will be better if you ring the bell? Jimin?"

"Oh wow! I think the same too! Don't you think it will be better if you ring-

But a sudden shriek of cry jerked cut them off from the little fight they were involved in.

"W-what was that?" The screams kept on with the pain.  Jimin asked as he and Soojin started looking for the owner.

"W-wait!" They both looked at the window that opened towards the road.

They exchanged a known glance between them and their eyes widen out of terror, "Yoongi?!"


Yoongi was heaving hard and groaning in pain, his face flushed and his eyes filled with disorientation.

Just then, rapid knocks were heard on the other side of the door along with a familiar voice, "Yoongi! You there? Open the door!"

Yoongi weakly glanced at the direction of the door. The first thought that struck him was-

Jimin...? What's up with him?

A sarcastic chuckle erupted in his head, "Wow! You got friends? Its gonna be brisk and crisp to have a little play out, eh?"

"No you won't- agh!"

And he wasn't the boy we knew...


"Why isn't he opening the fucking door!?" Jimin pushed the door with his biceps, attempting to break down the door.


They were cut off by the sudden opening of the door along with a dark Yoongi.

His persona was so, devilish and evil....

Jimin and Soojin stared at him from head to toe. Soojin couldn't be happier after seeing him fine. She chimed, " Yoongi you-

Yoongi's eyes glanced at her, when a deep jolt ran through her spine.
Those hooded eyes was a mystery...

Her smile faltered, when he snapped out, "Be quick! I do not have all day" his voice was mysteriously dark. Jimin's jaw clenched.

"Yah! You need not be so rude to her! Its because of Soojin we are right here right now, wasting our time to check your ugly ass- ow!"

And a slap was just enough to put Jimin out of the way that sent Jimin rolling down the stairs.

"What the hell! Yoongi-" and as per instinct, Yoongi pulled her to his room, shutting the door.

Yoongi smirked and licked his lips enjoying the fear in her eyes. He shut the door and pushed her into his bedroom.

"Yoongi! Stop this okay?!" Soojin snapped but something happened which stopped all words from getting out, making her body numb.

"Stop- stop this! Please.....S-Soojin! Run! Go away! He is going to hurt you! Just fucking go!"

To be continued....


Tʜᴇ Dᴇᴇᴘᴇsᴛ Dᴇsɪʀᴇs {Mɪɴ Yᴏᴏɴɢɪ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ} //On hold//Where stories live. Discover now