7' Agitated

69 9 14

Soojin's heart was in a panic mode. She didn't realise that her eyes were widened until now. It drooped down soon when she noticed an unnatural side of Jimin.

He didn't even bother helping... Just opened the door agitated, and left with no words uttered?

Shrugging that off, she tried focusing on her heartbeat, that was beating abnormally.


"Hm?" He humned quietly, savoring in her scent.

"You should rest now..." She mumbled quietly, yet audible enough for the male.

"And who did you make the soup for?"

Soojin felt him smirk against her skin, "I just can't get over the fact that you're scent is addicting" he mumbled lazily.

Another hit by a truck...this time a bigger one.
And how is he being so open?!

Constant, rugged questions flew like a series of clips in a reel.

Wasn't it just a few minutes ago when he was screaming at her to let him die?

Stammering, she finally tried speaking, "S-so w-what are you, you doing huh? Go grab the soup before it freezes" with a cracked voice at last.

With a slight heart melting chuckle, Yoongi moved his face up to meet her soothing eyes, "You are cute" and admired those beautifully painted luscious lips beneath the tip of her cute, puffy nose.

This didn't help Soojin calm her breath. Her face was red and those cute curvy ears of her, showed signs of embarrassment and shyness.

Even though she tried hard, convincing herself by uttering nonsenses like Yoongi cannot love me or I am boring, those words unfortunately, weren't universally true.

Yoongi linked his forehead with hers and their breath mingled into each other. It was absurd of Soojin not to move away or push him but instead.... stay as long as it takes.

Finally she got to stop the war between her heart and her mind and concluded, "I-I have to leave"

Yoongi could have stopped her, but it was too late. She was already away.

Yoongi realised, he had been smiling the whole time he was with her. It faltered the moment he heard the annoying voice again.

"Mmm...feisty. Let's play with her, shall we?"


"What did you leave the room for?" Soojin glared at the male who was busy with a guitar in his hand trying to form notes.

The male simply shrugged like an idiot, "You say? How can I afford to disturb when you guys were busy with your couple conception ?" He pouted.

That instantly worked as she sighed and with a slight chuckle, made her way to the pouting baby.

"Hey Jimmy...." She called sweetly.

Jimin's eyebrows jumped, asking her to continue, yet with his eyes on the guitar.

"Do you know?" She mumbled lazily, but seemed cute to the guy beside.

Jimin stroked the strings of the guitar, producing adorable sounds and his eyebrows jumped again.

"...you got no jams" she grinned like a child and started clapping her palms vigorously, when she found success irritating and annoying Jimin.

Just then their land phone started ringing. Both of them scrunched their eyebrows questioningly and looked at each other.

"We never gave our landphone number to anyone, did we?" Jimin gulped and dropped her down slowly.

"Yes...there's no one we can give our landphone numbers"

"Pick up the phone, shall we?"

Jimin led her and accepted the call, "Hello?"

"Uhm, hello? Does this house belong to  Park Jimin and Naeun Soojin?"

Jimin glanced at Soojin and hesitantly answered, "Uhm, yes...may I know who's it?"

"Uh, right. So apparently, you have given shelter to Min Yoongi, if I am not wrong?" Jimin's muscles seemed to flex down when he heard the voice belonged to someone who was olderly and polite.

"Yes, yes we did. Are you his mother or some-

"I am his grandmother. I am just so sorry you had to take this burden. Would you mind informing him that I called him and that, he should come back home as soon as possible?"

Yoongi wanted to shower. He peeped out of his bedroom, feeling relaxed that the voice in him retired deep down after giving him the disgusting idea of playing with her.

He was about to walk down when a disturbing conversation intrigued him.

He noticed the Jimin guy with a landphone by his ear talking to someone, smiling till his heart content.

"Yes yes, he is safe here. He had bruised his body-....yes yes we treated it all right... He is absolutely fine now"

Yoongi walked down the stairs, feeling giddy after he started realised who could that be.

"Was it my grandma?

To be continued....

We always go into it blindly..
I needed to lose you to
Find me..

This dance it was killing me softly..
I needed to hate you to
Love me..

After Selena Gomez's new singles dropped...I cannot but feel like listening to them again and again.

Love you Sel💜

Don't worry! I didn't give up on BTS!

New ideas are always welcome💜




Tʜᴇ Dᴇᴇᴘᴇsᴛ Dᴇsɪʀᴇs {Mɪɴ Yᴏᴏɴɢɪ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ} //On hold//Where stories live. Discover now