14: I'm So Sorry

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you survived the war. 

Now live with the trauma."

C H A P T E R 1 4


I was running.

As fast as I could, with my legs burning. But not fast enough.

They caught up with me just as I was turning into another hallway and shot. It hit me in the leg and I fell. I get kicked in the chest. I closed my eyes and felt myself being thrown over someone's shoulder. It hurt.

After walking for awhile, they dumped me in the same room I had run from.

And then I saw her. Soaked in her own blood, held up by chains attached to her arms. My hands went up to my face and when I brought them down, they were wet. I realized I was crying.

She looked at me and gave me a small smile, wincing. "It's not your fault sweetie," she coughed up some blood. "I still love you."

I cried harder, then I saw him. Standing at the back, looking amused by our interaction.

"Well, well, well, I guess even the Luciana Crest couldn't run from me. Even with a few minutes head start. What a shame." he was taunting me, but I didn't care.

Still sobbing, I asked. "Why are you doing this?" I looked at him. "I'll do anything, please just let her go."

He arched an eyebrow. "But where's the fun in that? If I let her go and torture you instead, I won't be getting any reaction out of you. Now if I just-" he picked up a small dagger and plunged it into her back. She let out a wail and a scream escaped me. "-do that, I'll be getting a nice show from you."

I looked at him with hatred filled eyes. "You're sick."

"Of course I am, but now Luciana, let's not change the subject. I gave you a choice, what do you choose?"

"I can't please, please don't make me!"

"Oh, but you have to. And I even gave you a chance to run, but you failed. Now choose."

He walked over to me and placed a gun in front of me with a single bullet.

I picked it up with shaky hands and loaded it.

I pointed it at her. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, I understand. I love you" she said and closed her eyes.

Even with shaky hands, I know I won't miss my target, but I hope I do. I cried even harder. "I love you too."

Then I shot.

I shot up in the bed. My back was soaked with sweat and my face was wet with tears.

I walked to my bathroom and washed my face.

I haven't had that nightmare in a while. Years, even. Usually it takes a few days for me to go back to normal after reliving that horrible moment.

Sitting down on the bed, I looked at the clock which read 5:39. I put my head between my knees and took deep breaths. It helped a little and I felt more in control now.

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