Chapter 52

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Sleeping in the bed I've grown fond of in just a few short months gives me a restful night sleep, even with Caine staying out all night. My back doesn't feel as sore this morning. I'm afraid to look in the mirror for fear of seeing marks or bruises.

I yawn going downstairs to see if Becca's awake. "Good morning Sunshine," she greets.

"Damn, I keep forgetting how chipper you are in the mornings." I smile.

"Dang girl, you aren't wearing your coffee face. How did you manage that?" she inquires.

"Simple. I stopped drinking coffee cold turkey. It was hell for a week or two and then I was over it." I shrug. Walking into the kitchen to get a glass of orange juice, I ask, "Are you hungry? I'm going to fix some juice. Want some?"

"Sure. I guess I forgot about you cutting out coffee and cigarettes. I don't know how you did it. I would have probably committed assault or something. What do you have going on in the goods department?" She motions over to the refrigerator.

"Bacon, eggs, and grits?" I ask.

"Holy shit. I'll take eggs and bacon, but for fucks sake, hold that disgusting shit you call grits. I don't know why you eat that crap."

"Whatever, and it's not crap. I happen to love it." I smile smugly.

"Um yeah, it's crap, love." I roll my eyes at her.

I begin frying the bacon, with Becca chatting about her classes. I wish I had the opportunity to be at college right now. But mom needs me and besides, I'm only taking a year off. Mom's surgery is scheduled for next week. I hope this will take away most of the pain she has every day.

"Love, are you playing bacon Tetris?" she asks bringing me back to the here and now.

"Well, they have to be placed a certain way to fit as many as possible in the pan. It's called being efficient." I smile.

"You sure that's efficiency and not you're OCD?" she asks.

"Shut up," I tell her, throwing a small piece of burnt bacon at her.

"Hmm... nom, nom, nom.That's good bacon you're missing out on." She teases, imitating the noise of eating and enjoying every crumb.

I hand her a plate of eggs, and set the pile of bacon between us. I heat up my grits and sit next to her. "So what do you want to do today?" I ask. "Do you have any plans?

"Nope, I'm a free bird today, love."

"Do you want to go shopping and maybe look at baby stuff?" I ask.

"Hell yes! My niece or nephew deserves the best, and that means Auntie Becca needs to pick stuff out for him or her." She smiles.

"You are crazy; you know that, right?" I giggle. We shower and get out of the apartment in record time. I don't know if Becca realizes how much of a hurry I am in to get out of there, but I don't want to face Caine. I am in a good mood and don't want him to spoil it.

We start driving the short distance to the baby superstore when Becca yells, "My God Lacey! Go around her." She points to the car in front of us. "Freaking driving while gray is going to kill us lady." The poor old woman in front of us is going about ten or more miles under the speed limit.With cars zooming past me, I don't have the opportunity to pull around. We arrive at the store without any bodily harm,making Becca a little bit easier to handle. "What a fucking spot tease," she says.

I look over at her. "What do you mean a-what-spot?"

Becca laughs. "It's a parking space that looks open to only find a small car has occupied the space. I can't believe you didn't know that."

She shakes her head in disgust at my lack of 'Urban Knowledge'.

"Becca, there are times when no one knows what the hell you are saying, so I don't think it's just me."

"Whatever, let's get in there. I'm dying to pick out the cutest bedding and outfits."

"Becca, are you having the baby?" I ask her amused.

"Actually, yeah I am. That's my baby you are carrying."

I roll my eyes. She is getting a little too attached to my little baby bump. I smile happily, knowing how much this baby is going to be loved, with or without a father in its life.

"Are you happy you are waiting until the birth to find out if you're having a girl or boy?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of excited to wait." I say thinking it's something I'm holding onto that Caine can't control.

I pull up to the apartment after dropping Becca off. We were in heaven going through the aisles making a list of the items we think I'll need to get. I even splurged and bought my baby bump its first outfit. It's the cutest thing ever. A simple little green sleeper with 'I loveMommy' embroidered on the upper left chest. Yes, my baby will love me and I love him or her. I will protect my baby from any future physical altercations with Caine. I'm done playing nice. I needed this time apparently to get back to my fiery self who wouldn't tolerate shit like Caine.

His car is parked next to mine. Caine's home but I'm not worried.

I grab the bag that holds baby bump's first purchase and walk into the apartment.

"Hi," I say when I walk in finding him watching television. He looks up from the TV to nod at me. I fix a glass of water and begin to leave the kitchen when Caine is standing right in my path.

Uh oh! All smiles are gone.

"So, where have you been? Looks like you spent money. I'd like to know where you got the money, Lacey?" he snaps.

"I used my lunch money for a couple of days."

"Is it smart to deprive my child of food so that you can buy needless things?" he says nastily.

"Caine, stop! I'm tired of the crap you are putting me through." This was my moment. "You know what's interesting, Caine? You forgot to give me lunch money last week. I was almost out the door when I realized it. You had already begun to take your shower and I didn't want to bother you. I pulled five dollars out of your wallet and a piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and two girls' names and phone numbers were on it, in your handwriting."

I should probably also tell him that I called the numbers too. Shit is going to hit the fan. The girls did not want to talk to me. They called me a few choice words. I told them I didn't know why their phonennumber was in Caine's wallet but he is married and has a child on the way. They got all bitchy and told me to fuck off.

"Do you know how wrong it is to be snooping around?"

"I wasn't spying on you or fishing for information. I don't care if you believe me or not, because I'm done with all of this." I wave my hands around the apartment. "You asked me to marry you and then you treat me like some piece of trash now that we are living together. You constantly go out without caring that I'm alone, or even telling me where you are and when you'll be home. You berate me constantly. I internalize your criticism until my self-esteem sinks lower and lower. You turn on your charm, which causes me to doubt my instincts to run away. I have no freaking idea why you married me or if you even want to stay together. But I can tell you I don't. I want out!" I finally end shouting.

Ow! My face stings. "Don't you ever talk to me that way again, Lacey! I will slap you again. You will be obedient. I am your husband and I am entitled to do whatever the hell it is I want to do because I pay the bills. Don't forget it, Lacey. I'm the one with the real job."

Oh no he didn't. "And you will never leave me." I look at him in horror.

Why would he honestly think I would stay? "If you ever do, I will find you and kill you myself." I gasp at his harsh words. He pushes around me to grab a beer out of the refrigerator and walks out. Oh my God, did he just say he would kill me?

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