"You big softie," Papa said, though his voice sounded a little thick.

Harry pulled away from the hug after a few moments, quickly wiping his nose on the back of his hand and standing awkwardly in front of them both for a second. "I, uh, I'm gonna go see what Lou and Ash are up to," he said, nodding.

Papa just smiled a knowing sort of smile, and Dad's eyes were soft.

Harry quickly departed the kitchen, not wanting to get all upset when he was supposed to be feeling happy. He leans against the doorframe of the living room and crosses his arms over his chest, smiling slightly at the scene in front of him.

Louis and Ash were sitting side by side on the couch, Lou sitting sideways with his legs stretched out in front of him, cast propped up on a cushion and his back rested against Ashton's side. Ash didn't seem to mind the contact whatsoever, one arm slung around the thirteen year old so that his hand rest on his chest.

Both were holding controllers, pressing buttons with concentrated expressions on their faces. Then, apparently, Louis' character managed to kill Ashton's because Ash threw his head back with a groan, dropping his control down on the armrest whilst Louis cheered and held his hands up.

"Having fun?" he said after a moment, and two pairs of eyes snapped up to look at him.

Ash smiled softly and Lou gave a shrug.

"I think it'd be more fun if I had some real competition," Louis sassed, and Ashton looked offended.


Louis didn't take any notice and carried on. "We have one match left. You wanna join in when we're done?" he asked, and Harry gave a shrug. He wasn't a particular fan of gaming, but if it meant spending time with his little brother and boyfriend at the same time? He would love to.

"Sure," he replied casually, then moved to sit on the armrest by Louis' feet, glad to see a smile on the boy's face. "How's the leg?" he asked, resting a hand on his good shin.

Lou's smile dropped slightly and he gave a shrug. "Doesn't hurt so bad anymore...dunno," he mumbled, clearly feeling a little down by the reminder of his injury. Harry winced slightly and let out a sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to -"

"It's fine," he said quickly, shaking his head. "Doesn't matter, I just - want to forget about it for a while. About football and the team and my stupid leg and - all of it. That's all," he mumbled.

Harry nodded. He could understand that, the kid's life had been flipped upside down, he didn't blame him for wanting to push it to the back of his mind for a little bit.

"You know, you could always find some other things to do. Alongside footie," he offered gently, and Louis gave an awkward shrug.

"Yeah. Maybe."

Ash spoke up then, controller back in hand. "Hey, next match is about to start," he said, and Louis smiled again, picking up his pad and looking to the TV.

Harry mouthed a silent 'thank you' to his boyfriend, knowing that he was doing his best to distract Harry's brother from his injury. Just then, Niall walked through the room quickly, head ducked as he passed in front of the TV and tugged his winter hat off of his head, disappearing out of the living room door and up the stairs.

Harry frowned, quickly dismissing himself from the room and following after his smallest brother. He heard the sound of the bedroom door clicking shut and frowned a little, because Niall had barely acknowledged him sinced he'd gotten there and that was unlike him. Usually, the blond twin would make certain that he had the chance to get in some time with his older brother before he went back home.

Hold Me Close (Sequel To Take Me Home and Keep Me Safe)Where stories live. Discover now