Underrated Legendary/Mythical Pokémon?

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Q: What Legendary/Mythical Pokémon do you think should be incorporated more in books?


_Micah-Drew_: "Maybe the three legendary dogs (Entei, Raikou, Suicune) from Gen 2, they're pretty cool!"

About the Legendary Beasts [Source: Bulbapedia]
The beasts find their master in Ho-Oh, who revived them when Ecruteak City's Brass Tower burned. They are said to embody the three events that happened to the tower: the lightning that struck the tower, the fire that burned in the tower, and the winds and rain that put it out. It is unknown whether these three were already a Suicune, Raikou, and Entei before they were revived, or whether Ho-Oh actually reincarnated them from three non-Legendary Pokémon.


pokemonlover1229: "I'd personally like to see more of Raikou, he gets the least attention out of the legendary dog trio"

About Raikou [Source: Bulbapedia]
Raikou is able to fly by creating storm clouds. It is shown to be distrustful of humans, though it may form some friendship with those who help it. Raikou tends to appear during thunderstorms and when other Electric-type Pokémon are in danger. Raikou races across grasslands while barking cries that sound like thunder.


YoungNightAce: "Honestly, I haven't seen much Ho-oh in my case, as well as the Sacred Swords (Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Keldeo)"

About Ho-Oh [Source: Bulbapedia]
Ho-Oh has a mythical power to resurrect the dead. Ho-Oh was the only known Pokémon to learn Sacred Fire, its former signature move. It is said that when it flies its huge wings create bright, colorful rainbows. The rare few who bear witness to Ho-Oh are promised an eternal happiness. Ho-Oh used to perch at the top of the Bell Tower until the Brass Tower was destroyed by fire. It now presumably flies through the world's skies in search of a Trainer with a pure heart.

About the Swords of Justice [Source: Bulbapedia]
The Swords of Justice have challenged humans according to the legend in order to protect other Pokémon from losing their homes to human expansion. According to Legend, three Swords of Justice distrust humans because of the war that endangered the Pokémon living in Unova.


Cora-chan: "I think Hoopa has a lot of untapped potential for Pokéfics with zir ability to transport items with zir golden hoops and bend dimensions"

About Hoopa [Source: Bulbapedia]
The rings on Hoopa's body can warp space and allow it transport items by passing them through its hoop. Hoopa Unbound is said to be Hoopa's true form and is said to have the power to bend dimensions. This allows it to seize anything in the world. Either form can travel through its rings and Hoopa Unbound has the ability to control and summon powerful Legendary Pokémon.


Keiko-ko: "Cresselia is pretty underrated. I haven't really seen Azelf and the rest (Mesprit, Uxie) too"

About Cresselia [Source: Bulbapedia]
Cresselia has the power to dispel nightmares, and holding one of its feathers is said to bring happy dreams. Shiny particles are released from its wings like a veil. It is said to represent the crescent moon.

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