Chapter 47: The Secret of the Blackwoods

Comenzar desde el principio

"You don't have to feel ashamed of anything." Stella said, coming outside. "It feels bad, rather should I say, worst in the beginning, but soon, you get accustomed to it."

"I don't know if I can ever get used to such a hunger. I feel like I want to tear down the entire world and get what I want, but then the realization would hit me in the head, and I would feel guilty of it yet again." I said as my stomach grumbled, louder this time.

"I can't do anything about that, but all I know is that we need to fix this situation right now, lest it may get worse." Aurora said.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that you are going to drink real human blood."


Outside, the road seemed mostly barren, with only a few vehicles driving by occassionally.

"How are we--"

"Shh..." Aurora shushed Stella as I noticed a man, in his early thirties jogging up towards us.

"He." Aurora whispered in my ear, which sounded like someone shouting in a microphone. "Excuse me." She waved at him, as the man halted to a stop. I could hear the thumping of his heart in his chest with the workout, the adrenaline pumping in his body, and the smell of his blood. Human blood. I tried not to turn into my vampire form with every bit of strength in my body.

"How may I help you?" He said, breathing heavily.

Aurora walked up to him, and stared right into his eyes. "Don't make any sound. Do as you are told." She said. The man nodded obediently. She then turned to look at me. "Feed on him."

"I..." I was already blinded with the desire for blood that I could not help but give in. I moved in his direction, and in a flash, I was right in front of him. He looked at me in the eye with a blank face. I wanted to grab him and sink my newly-shaped fangs into his tender throat.

Aurora told me to hold the man and so I did, with my trembling hands.

"Good. Find the spot where the vein runs across his neck.

I brushed my cold fingers on the side of his neck. The vein streaked across his skin and I could hear the blood rushing through it.

"Now slowly and carefully... bite down."

I brought down my mouth to the man's neck. He smelled like cheap soap and linen, but also the most delicious meal I had ever had, more alluring than ant wine. As I rested the point of my fangs against his neck, his heart began to race, sending the blood rushing to his veins, the sound defeaning. I could not help it any longer. My fangs punctured her skin, sinking into the rich vein.

"Easy!" Stella gasped.

As the blood touched my tongue, I moaned in pleasure.

"Now detach your fangs and take just a couple of small pulls."

I hesitated, and Aurora rested a hand on the back of my neck and squeezed gently.


I followed her order and retracted my fangs.

"Good. Now drink slowly."

I covered the bite marks with my mouth, sucking. Blood rushed down my throat, hot and exhilarating. I could feel it flood me, invigorating me, as if I was drinking hot pulsing light. I could feel it course through my muscles, my limbs, healing me, strengthening me.

The man arched against me as I fed, sating the hunger deep inside me.

"That should be enough for now."

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