7- Sunday

44 5 0

MOOONNNEEYYYY!!!!!! Last day and a curse?

"Gimme my overtime pay, FRIIIIIICCCKKKKK!!!!" Lancelot yelled behind as you glanced over your shoulder. You aim your focus at the whiteness that stretches infinitely before you. The gears in your mind start moving; you try to plan your next move but that's when you realise something was off. Quickly, you once again glance over your shoulder to confirm your suspicions.

You were right. Lancelot...The ravenette was the only one chasing after you! Then, where were the others!?

From the corner of your left eye, you see a blurred figure bolt towards you. It halts before you, blocking your path. You recognized him; the red jacket man, the Reaper. He hovers above the ground, his frail-looking yet powerful Reaper wings spread behind his back. Tenho smirks as if challenging you to venture in his direction.

As you sprint to the right, Tenho yells, "Maisen! He's yours!"

You curse under breath, eyes wide while Maisen jumps into view, a kunai in hand, reducing any chance of escape to ashes.

The other two carefully close in on you.

"Don't try anything funny if you value your life," the blonde warns you.

"Damn, you're fast, "Lancelot adds slightly panting.

" Where did you get that?" asks Tenho eyeing the kunai.

The blonde grins but does not answer. He silently slips the kunai back in his pouch under Tenho's watchful gaze.

You glance at the trio. Your body is shaking.

"Now," says the high school student," Could you pleeeeaaassseee tell us where we can get our money. We gotta be paid for all our work after all..."

You shake your head. The trio closes in. You are quickly backed into a corner. Cold smiles are plastered on their faces.

This is it. It's the end. After this, you will certainly loose your job. The rent. How are you--

"Woah, woah, woah there! Stop, stop, stop. " suddenly came a voice. You are thrown into a giant shadow. You peer over your shoulder...It's Arceus!

The 'God' of Pokemon had a straw hat on his head while holding his suitcase in his leg. He slowly lowered himself until he hovered only a few inches above the fluffy ground. Taking off the hat, he said:

"What in the name of Giratina is happening here?"

"Did someone call?" Giratina asks while poking his from a portal leading to the Distortion world.

"Tch, go away" Arceus waves off the Renegade Pokémon off.

Giratina rolls his eyes. He looks at Maisen,"Message me when you're done, Blondie." The embodiment of anti-matter waves his phone at the Trainer before disappearing into the Distortion World.

Maisen nods.

"Helllloooooo~" Aceus sings, "I'm still waiting. Don't you dare ignore me!"

You feel your body tense up. Tenho sighs and slides his hands into the pocket of his jacket. Lancelot scoffs,"As if you can be forgotten, Arceus."

"Exactly," Arceus said proudly. The Legendary's gaze swept across all the humans present, narrows upon falling on Tenho then he sighed, " I'll ask again, what's happening here?" His voice is firm and authoritative. He takes off his straw hat; face strangely serious.

"We want our money," Tenho speaks up.

"For working on our supposed day off," Maisen continues.

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